Showing posts with label Concession. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Concession. Show all posts

Components to Build a Concession Business

Beginning a mobile food concession business is a very challenging but possibly rewarding business. It is not just a simple undertaking to be taken lightly. There are several things that need to be researched and done in order to truly begin a concession business in the right and legal way. There are licensing issues, decisions about food choice and location and equipment you are going to have to make. These are just a few of the many decisions and regulations you must make and be aware of to start a business like this one.

One of the first things you will need to research to run a concession business correctly and legally is to find out the regulations of your city, county, and state governments. These regulations include health standards, location standards, and other standards that you will need to be aware of if you do not want to receive a citation, fine, or even be shut down. All of these things can happen if you do not research the local laws concerning your business. As is appropriate with any type of business, research everything before you make an investment talk to other people in the same field that you want to be in. Try to learn everything you can in order to be fully informed about the decision you are about to make.

Some states have regulations regarding how many feet you must be away from the highway where you set up. Many states have fees you must pay in order to be properly licensed. Most states have health inspections to make sure everything is up to code for service to the public. All of these requirements and more will be things you may encounter. Never assume it is simple.

Another thing you are going to encounter is deciding what type of food you are going to sell. Are you going to sell prepackaged food that you don’t have to cook or are you going to prepare everything by hand on a grill. Whichever of these you choose, it can also make the difference between what type of license you must acquire. Also, are you going to choose something unique or go with a standard that has already proven successful? Whatever you choose, this is something you must think about in depth.

Location is also something you will come upon when opening a concession business. This is one of the most important things to consider because if you are in the improper location, it may be difficult to attract customers. This is the one of the biggest keys to making money.

Equipment is another thing you must decide on. Are you going to purchase a hotdog cart in order to make a smaller investment, or are you going to choose to purchase a concession trailer, which is a considerably larger investment?

Determining these decisions all go together. Location and equipment are partly decided by what type of food you choose to prepare. Food and location are also decided partly by what equipment you can afford. Each and every decision you make affects another decision after it. Knowing what you are going to encounter is an important reason for researching.

Choosing a Concession Business Location

When running a concession trailer business, there are several aspects to take into account. Many issues arise that need to be dealt with in order to make a food service business run smoothly. With a mobile concession business, one of the most important things to make a decision on is the location where you plan to set up to sell. There are several different things to keep in mind when you are choosing a location for the operation of your business. First you need to consider the population of the area you plan to sell in. Another important thing to consider is whether or not you are willing to pay to set up. One final thing you need to consider is getting permission to set up.

One of the first things to consider when you are trying to choose a location for your business to operate is the population of the area. In order for your business to run successfully, you need to make sure the location you choose is well trafficked and fairly densely populated. The more populated the location, the more potential customers you have. If you choose a location that only has a few houses and businesses, you might consider a location that has more houses and businesses. Businesses are great to be around because employees who need a quick lunch break can be a great source of income. They can also be a great source of word-of-mouth advertisement, getting friends and even fellow employees to come sample your culinary delights.

Another important thing to remember when choosing a location to sell from is finances. You have to determine how much money, if any, you are willing to pay for a spot on someone’s property. For the most part, to park on the property of another business or a private individual, you must expect to pay for the rental of the space. Prices for renting a spot are usually dependent upon the size and location of the space. Be on the look out for the least expensive place you can find that will still provide you with the customer base that is necessary to be able to make money at your business.

This brings us to another thing that must be kept in mind when choosing location is that you must have permission to set up on private property. You are not allowed to just set up anywhere there is a space. You must first check with your city and county about the laws that concern concession food sales. Once you know these requirements, when you decide to settle in a spot, you must always ask the owner of the property you would like to set up on if that is ok. Many times, the offer of a nice chunk of monthly space rent will convince a person to allow you to be on there property. Either way, written permission must be obtained to make sure that no legal problems arise.

Wherever you decide to set up your concession trailer food business, several details must be seen to before that can happen. Choosing a location for your business must include consideration of population, cost of space rental, and gaining permission of the city, county, and private party who owns the space. This can be a very profitable business. To make your chances of making money better finding a great location can certainly play a part.

Aspects of Creating a Mobile Concession Business

The ability to be one’s own boss and make lots of money doing it is all part of the American Dream. An up and coming segment of the small business world is food concession vending. This is a form of food service that does not involve being stationary. Mobility is the key to the food concession industry. The ability to pick up and move whenever you have an event or want to switch locations is paramount in this business; which brings attention to the fact that there are several things needed to begin a concession business. One of the first important things is location. Another important aspect is choosing the type of food you will serve. One more vital thing to consider is advertisement.

One of the first things to consider when starting a food concession business is the location where you will set up your vending equipment. You’re best bet is to set up in a highly trafficked area where many people live and work. One of the biggest parts of your clientele is potentially the work force around the location. Even better would be to find a highly trafficked area that also had little choice of food. People are more tempted to think outside the box and eat from your concession trailer. Many of these workers do not have a lot of time for a lunch break. Quick, simple, cheap, and delicious food is the key to drawing people in and creating loyal customers.

Another thing to consider when you start a concession business is what type of food you will serve. You must first consider the part of the country you are in. Goulash may not appeal to New Yorkers. Another thing you must consider is financial history of the area you are serving. Some people may neither desire or be able to afford sushi or caviar for lunch so be careful about offering food out of the economical means of those to whom you are planning to sell. Another thing to consider about food is how easy or difficult it may be to prepare in a mobile style kitchen and how long it will take to prepare. You definitely don’t want the items you are selling to take a long time to prepare. If so, people will be more tempted to just go into a sit-down restaurant to eat. Quickness is definitely a way to go for the food concession business.

One other thing you may want to weigh when setting up a food vending business is advertisement. Roadside signs and billboards are a great way to go, albeit expensive. A great way to make sure you have great advertising is to have exceptional food and service. With these to attributes, your company will be advertised by one of the best and most powerful means of advertisement: word-of-mouth. Get people to enjoy your food and the friendly face you offer in the middle of a possibly hectic workday. Having a great relationship with your customers is definitely a must when dealing with the food service industry. Other forms of advertisement include fliers, sale signs, and coupons. Bags, napkins, and containers with your company name and logo on them are also great ways to advertise. For the business with the larger budget, t-shirts, hats, and bumper stickers might be a way to go.

Whatever decisions you might make about your mobile concession business, there are certain things you must consider to make having a successful company easier. In the mobile food service industry, important options include location of your vending equipment, type of food served and advertising your business in order to make it more successful. By considering these things, you will have a better chance of making a name for yourself in the food industry.