Showing posts with label Christian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christian. Show all posts

Supporting Your Spouse As They Begin A Christian Home Based Business

Your beloved spouse comes home from another day at the grind and announces, “I’ve had enough! I’m going into business for myself.” Before you start hoarding food and stashing money in the mattress, stop and pray.

Remember that God is sovereign and that He will provide for you. This new venture may be exactly what God has planned for your life. Surrender your will to Christ and pray. He may give you a peace that calms your fears and alleviates your concerns. Anxiety is a natural reaction to change, but as Christians we are to fight back with God’s truth.

The changes that come about in your spouse may surprise you, especially if they are following a prompting from God to leave the traditional work force. Pray with your spouse and be honest about your feelings. Discuss your excitement over the possibilities that a new business can provide. Vent your frustrations and fears about the changes and instability that will come in days ahead. Keep the communication open, between you and your spouse, and you and God.

This does not mean putting on a smile no matter what happens and ignoring the realities around you. It does mean that you should live beyond your circumstances and trust God. Be supportive of your spouse through the ups and downs. Encourage each other, pray together, talk with other couples who have started a home business together.

Do some research in your spouse’s chosen area of business. Learn the associated jargon. Be familiar with the product or service provided by the business. Make yourself available to help with menial tasks like errands and printing shipping labels. Talk up your spouses’s bravery and professionalism every chance you get. Announce the birth of your new business at church, to your friends and family, to anyone who will listen. Be your spouse’s biggest fan. You will need to be knowledgeable of the business so that you can take calls on busy days and answer questions on the street when approached by curious neighbors and passers by.

Go to the library and research small business management and marketing, condense the books into a divided binder full of notes on the topics your have researched. You can present it to your spouse as a “business warming” gift. This information should be easy to read and condensed down to useful facts. You can even sneak in personal notes of encouragement, scripture verses or inspirational quotes.

Going the extra mile to show interest in what is important to your spouse will help hold you together through the storms of life and will allow you ti build a strong, Christ centered business that can be passed down for generations to come.

Christian Home Based Business

There are mass amounts of Christian home-based business opportunities in the community today. There are many resources available online to help Christian families make money while working at home. You can spread the Word of God at the same time as enhancing your life and/or ministry while easing your financial burden. Most Christian families will jump at the opportunity to own their own business and still be doing God’s work. Not only can this be a great source of income but also is a great way to fund raise money for your church. Here are some great Christian home business opportunities that might interest you.

* An online Christian bookstore is a great business venture that will allow you to spread God’s word worldwide. You will be able to educate others on how to be good Christians and better serve the community.

* A home based selling of Christian services and goods are a fabulous source of income. You can affiliate yourself with other Christians and aid in community profit sharing. Many programs are available to help you market and sell your products.

* Transform lives by getting paid to teach the word of God at home. You can serve your life and the lives of the members of your community in this home venture. How would you do something small or significant to benefit the lives of others?

* Earn income while doing fund raising for your church. You can either use the church or have a web-based fundraiser that sells products and services to benefit other Christians. You will be able to make excellent money while working part-time or full-time. This allows you and your church to make money.

* Ministry funding puts an end to constant church fundraising. It can help remove the pressure from congregation members and allows constant flow of money through web promotion. Learn to raise money for through passive giving.

* Answer God’s calling with Christian home-based businesses and online Christian business opportunities. You can leave your secular job and move into a place of spiritual fulfillment. Use a vocation that answer’s God’s calling that will provide you with a successful business as you help other achieve the same.

* The ministry message toolbar is a small add-on to your Internet Explorer tool bar that provides daily inspirational scriptures. You can use this powerful message in your home-based business. You will be able to earn great income and support your church with the profits of such an inspiring tool for Christians.

There are so many great options out there for Christians today. Follow God’s plan for you and help serve others and Him better. The more you give, the more you shall receive.