Showing posts with label Become. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Become. Show all posts

Don't Let Marriage Become Your Difficult Business!

Today, the world never owned such opulence of womanly character or such splendor of womanly manners or multitudinous instances of wifely, motherly, daughterly, sisterly devotion, as it owns today. I have no words to express my admiration for good womanhood. Woman is not only man's equal, but in affectionate and religious nature, which is the best part of us.

However, as you may see, nowadays it is easier for a man to find an appropriate wife than for a woman to find a good husband. According to a New York Times analysis of census results, in 2005, 51 percent of women said they were living without a spouse, up from 35 percent in 1950 and 49 percent in 2000.

There are multitudes, who have never been married and still greater multitudes, who got married but change back to be single. Marriage has become a difficult business, especially for women.

First, it is a matter of arithmetic. Statistics show that globally even there are about 105-107 boys born for every 100 girls, yet after the age of 40 women outnumber men. In 2003, the Census Bureau estimated a total of 144,513,361 females of all ages, compared to 138,396,524 males in the US.

It would seem women are a favorite with the Lord, and therefore He has made woman kind live longer and stronger. By mathematical and inexorable law, you see, millions of women will never marry.

The second reason lies in the shortage of good husbands. There are thousands of men who have no right to marry, because they have become so corrupt of character that their offer of marriage is an insult to any good woman.

Third, during the last 40 years, through the increased opportunity opened for female through education, in many countries, women are receiving better and higher education.

Based on 1971 census, 68% of 25-to-29-year-old university graduates were male. Ten years later, women had more or less caught up to men as only 54% of graduates were male. By 1991, women had become the slight majority, comprising 51% of graduates. In the 2001 census, universities had clearly become the domain of women, as they made up 58% of all graduates.

If woman continue to advance in mentality at the present ratio, before long many men may have difficulty in finding a woman who is ignorance to make appropriate consort.

And, this has become a global issue. In Europe, England, Japan, China, more and more woman find out marriage is becoming a difficult business for them. Facing such global matrimonial unbalance between men and women, what will you do?

Here are 7 Tips for single woman from people who have a happy and long-term marriage. Click here to get your FREE copy or go to

Work From Home - Become A Business Executive For Under 200 Dollars

The cost to start an online work from home business is under $200.00. All you need to start working from home is a computer, Internet connection, a domain name and hosting company. You can hang out your shingle saying "Open For Business" within days of making the decision to have a business online.

Once your plans are finalized as to what type of work at home business you want to start, you can find the products or services that complement your idea. The planning and execution of your planned business venture will cost you nothing but your time.

The day-to day operation of a work at home business opportunity can be automated to a level where your time commitment is minimal. When all the pieces of the business are in place, you can appoint yourself a CEO of your home based business. Officially, you will need to decide on a business structure that will support your CEO status.

Starting a home-based business is not without risks. The success and promised wealth will not just materialize overnight. A home based business or any new business venture is never a sure thing in terms of guaranteed success. But the upside of owning your own business has benefits that no JOB can ever provide you. You are in control of your life, your destiny, your income.

If the entrepreneurial spirit is alive, you can capitalize on the work at home phenomenon. Thinking like an entrepreneur will push you to use the knowledge and skills that you already have. You can then obtain the skill required to run your business from home. You will need some specialized skills and knowledge to succeed in your own home-based business.

The excitement of starting a home-based business is exhilarating. All of the excitement is not an invitation to just quit your day job. However, you should begin trying to plant the seeds online for the type of business that interests you.

What is it that you enjoy doing or have experience with off line? Do You have a passion for a sport , video games or a person? You could always start a sport's chat room, provide updates and strategies for online gamers. You could be the next dating site owner. You can use something you love to create a business online.

While you are making the transition from worker bee to owner, open your eyes and your mind will open to the innovative ways you can use the Internet for your business. It is hard to imagine the number of people that are available to you. It is estimated that there are over 700 million people on the Internet. Your ability to reach customers from all over the world has been reduced to a mouse click. The world is your marketplace. The opportunity for wealth has never been as available to the everyday entrepreneur. The opportunity to work from home is available to everyone.

You can be open for business twenty-four hours a day. There are no employee problems or restrictive access because of weather conditions. Just the availability of Internet businesses make them very profitable.

Your work at home business can be a global empire within a matter of months. The work from home business trend shows no indication that it will slow down in the near future. The competition is fierce on the Internet for the almighty dollar but the Internet is still in its infancy. There is plenty of room for your work at home business to grow and prosper using the Internet.

15 Tips To Streamline Your Business And Become Profitable In 2006

Here are some tips to help you ‘cut the fat’ and improve the productivity of your business. If you apply a few of these, you’re well on your way to achieving greater profit and creating less stress!

1. Cut the Slackers!
“Carrying dead-weight employees? Lose them now!” Ever tried to run a marathon whilst towing an old tire? This is what it’s like trying to grow a productive business with unproductive (or unmotivated) employees. Not only will they not add value to your bottom line, they’ll drag other ‘productive’ workmates to their level. Cutting a slack worker (legally of course) will actually increase the productiveness of other workmates.

2. Cut the Paper!
“Start a war against paper!” Do you need to print that email to read it? Or that brief? Reduce office clutter on desks and encourage better use of digital filing. Ask clients to email files rather than send faxes, and printed media. Use a web based project management or time tracking solution rather than paper based timesheets. Get the drift – saves trees too!

3. Cut the Time!
“A task can take both 10 minutes and an hour!” Have you noticed that if you give a task (i.e.: write a proposal) to an employee and they have a day to do it, they will, but if you give them 3 days to do the same task, guess what, they’ll take 3 days! Put tight and exact deadlines (i.e.: Wed 3:30pm) on important tasks, and your staff will become more productive.

4. Cut the Expenses!
“Plug all the holes in your cash flow!” Make a list of all general expenses in your business. Next to each one, write one of the following: Need it, Review it, Cut it. Take this list to either a receptionist or employee with some free time. Have them work down the list firstly on the expenses to ‘Cut’. This will create immediate savings. Then have them ‘Review’ the expenses you need, but perhaps could get a better deal on. ‘Trimming the fat’ every 6 months can help you create profit.

5. Target Different Work!
“One project for $20,000 or ten projects for $2,000 each”. Look at the type of work you’re targeting. Is it worth targeting a different type or value of work? Most businesses just ‘do what they’ve always done’ rather than looking for more profitable types of revenue. Think hard about other more profitable work your business can do with its available resource.

6. Don’t Work Late, Come in Early!
“A clear mind is a productive mind!” Outside of work, this time should be used to recharge. Don’t take extra work home, rather just go home, relax, play golf, go for a run, enjoy the family & come in early to do that extra work. Not only will you work better after relaxing, but your family life will improve!

7. Motivate Staff, Offer Incentives!
“Staff priorities are not the same as manager priorities!” Managers, Owners & Directors have different motives and priorities than staff. Just because you are excited about your business doesn’t mean the staff are. Your mind is on the bottom line, whereas staff think of their pay, and they’ll get paid whether they perform or not. Motivate staff with performance related bonuses such as money, time off & job flexibility.

8. Hire multi-skilled workers!
“Enlarge your skill base without the cost!” It’s better to have two designer/developers, than a designer and a developer. Multi-skilled workers, by nature are generally better problem solvers, more flexible and more productive than single skilled workers. You’ll also have more options for work delegation and due to an increased skill base will be able to take on a wider range of projects.

9. Clean your Desks!
“Start the Week Fresh”. Make it company policy that every Friday, before staff leave, all loose paper is to be filed away or organized in racks, drawers, folders or cabinets. A messy workspace is a messy mind. By having staff organize their desks on Friday, when they start on Monday, they’ll get straight info focused work, rather than looking at clutter wondering where to start. More productive time!

10. Clean your Digital Files!
“Make it easy to find information!” Searching hard drives and servers for information can waste a lot of productive time. Designate a tech employee the job of tidying the server. Have them organize files logically into client folders, archive or remove old files, check everybody has good network access and tidy the other staffs’ desktops and PCs.

11. Prioritize Your 20%’ers!
“Do the important things first!” Most people procrastinate on the 20% of the tasks that create 80% of the revenue. At the end of each day, make a list for the next day. If you have 25 tasks, list the 5 most important revenue generating tasks (the 20%’ers), then list the 5 most urgent tasks (usually admin). By working through the 20% items first, you’re working ‘on’ the business (growth), rather than ‘in’ the business (maintenance).

12. Review your Services!
“Your services should be team players, not just expenses!” Do you consider your accountant, or lawyers an expense? Or do they truly add value? A good accountant will save you more money than they cost. With so many accountants, lawyers, printers, couriers etc available, are you sure you are working with the best you could be? Every 6 months you should review your external services with this question in mind: “Are they helping or hindering my business?”

13. Systemize your Processes!
“How can I do it easier, faster, and cheaper?” As a matter of habit, always look for ways to systemize processes. Create templated emails, templated forms and documents, a ‘roles and responsibilities’ chart, use process automation applications, digital timesheets, auto responders, automatic payments etc. Almost every process in your business can be creatively systemized to be easier, faster, and cheaper! If you systemize 3 processes a month, that’s 36 processes a year – what a difference!

14. Use Remote Workers!
“Only pay for what you use!” Every staff member not only costs a salary, but also a chair, a desk, a computer, power, square footage, coffee in the kitchen etc. By using remote workers and contractors, you’ll save money and maybe not even need a huge office. They’ll even pay for their own coffee!

15. Learn to Delegate!
“Work on your business, not in it!” If you are a manager, you should be spending at least 80% of your time working on growing, systemizing, trimming, and strategic planning. Are you spending too much time on menial tasks and grunt work that can be delegated? If so, learn to delegate (or use contractors) as this will free your time to concentrate on the big picture – “Growing your business and making it profitable!”