Showing posts with label Beating. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beating. Show all posts

Did Your Business Take A Beating This Summer?

Did you take the summer off from your business? Were things really slow for you during the summer months? This article will give you some idea’s to bring back the business.

You can create new things to attract people to your website, you can change things that you already have, or you can use what you have. No matter which option you choose, you can make it work.

So, let’s start with the new ideas. You can create a Squidoo lens that pertains to your business. You can create a blog for your business. You can come up with a new ad. You can create a new button or banner. You can come up with a new product or service to offer. You can join new network groups or Yahoo groups. You can even start a newsletter. You can put an ad in your local newspaper. You can post paper ads around your town or hand them out to people. You can have an open house and share your business with others. You can create Mom Packs and hand them out to people or daycares. The list is just endless. Take a few minutes and brainstorm. You will be amazed at what you will come up with.

Next, you can change things you already have in place. You can change the wording in your ad. Make changes to your website, so that people can see the difference. If you send out a newsletter, change your template or logo so you have a new look. If you send out a newsletter you can add a new topic inside the newsletter. If you have a blog you can add new things to it or change the logo or style. If you have a flyer, add a picture to it, change the font, or the color of paper you print it on. Change the information on your Squidoo lens or network page and then make a post that you made a change. Make posts that you changed your blog so that people will come and look at it. Make a post and tell everyone that you added new info to your newsletter and tell them they can sign up to receive it.

If you choose to use what you have, that’s great as well. If you have ads written you can post them on Yahoo groups that you are apart of. If you are not apart of Yahoo groups, you can sign up for some. Do a search on Yahoo for advertising groups or groups that pertain to your business. You can also post them on your network groups that you are apart of. If you have buttons and/or banners, you can post them to your favorite plugboards. You can also create paper ads (using the ad from above) and post them around your town, hand them out to people you see, mail them out to past customers, or mail them to potential customers. You can do link exchanges as well. You can also submit your website to the search engines. Submit your blog to the blog directories as well.

So, if you had a slow summer and you want to jump start your business, use the tips above. Hopefully they will help you get started.

Beating The Business Blues Working At Home

The main reason people set up a home business is to have low overheads, escape the daily traffic jams and be the boss. But working from home also creates a feeling of isolation and when motivation is low it evens become difficult just going through your emails.

If you have an internet business and you live alone the problems just get compounded. There will be days at a time when you do not meet another living soul. So how do you beat the business blues?

Here are some tips:

Join a fitness club and pop out every time your energy levels start sagging. You do not need to use the gym every time… sometimes you can go straight to the wet area.

Get into the habit of having lunch somewhere nice that is not too expensive. At least you will be see some (live) people and be fresh when you get back to the office. Meet a friend for lunch now and again. Chatting about something else apart from will help to break up the day.

Keep some plants in the office and have some fish in an aquarium. Alternatively keep a cat or dog as a pet. They make great companions and a dog will even accompany you when you go for a walk!

Make a collection of your favourite music and have a decent stereo in the office. You can listen to some soothing music when you are feeling low or something more upbeat if you are feeling motivated.

Try and take regular breaks. The great thing about working from home is that you can pop into the kitchen and rustle up a snack or if the weather is nice do a spot of gardening! In the military they did a test on soldiers who marched for hours without a rest.

They analysed soldiers who had a five minute break each hour. Guess what… the soldiers who had a short break every hour actually ended up marching further than the soldiers who did not stop at all!

Join at least one networking organisation. There are many different types. Some meat early in the mornings, others at lunch and some meet after work. Some meet weekly whilst others meet every month. Join the one that fits in with your lifestyle and get into the habit of attending it regularly.

You can now even network online with like minded people. There are many types of business networks on the internet. One advantage of being a member is that most people are more than willing to help if you have any questions that need answering.

Finally ensure that you have a dedicated office at home. Spend some money and buy new desks and chairs. Ensure that the lighting is soft so that you do not get tired so quickly.

Bear in mind that if you work from home you will probably spend a lot of time in your home and it is essential that you enjoy working there.

Do you have any tips on how to beat the business blues for people working from home?

Beating The Odds: 3 Ways To Ensure Your New Business Is A Success

It’s a scary fact that nine out of ten new businesses fail in their first year. But that also means that one out of those ten new businesses makes it. What sets these successful ventures apart from their less-successful counterparts? According to JP O’Brien, founder and president of, the difference is that a successful entrepreneur treats their business as a business. This focus ensures they capitalize on tax breaks and deductions, and keep more of their hard-earned profits. If you’re not tracking your business, you’re not setting yourself up to succeed.

Legal Matters

To get your business started on the right track, the first step is incorporating, which lets you take advantage of numerous small-business tax benefits. Regardless of how you file your eBiz, your income from it is taxable. Says O’Brien, “You’re not going to get any tax breaks for filing as a hobby… By law, you have to report every dollar you’ve sold to the IRS.”

That means it’s in your best interests to structure your business as a legal entity, and capitalize on the tax breaks that doing so affords you. It’s a simple process that can save you a lot of money down the road—you can even do it online with a service like or

Getting on Track

The next step is tracking your cash flow. Advises O’Brien, “Look at any expenses in your daily life that are actually being used for business. All those things add up...and can reduce your tax implication.” Maximizing the deductions you’re permitted can amount to substantial savings:

•Home offices.

•Equipment purchases.

•Website maintenance costs.

•Business-related auto mileage. This is one of the biggest deductions business owners fail to track. But at nearly forty-five cents per mile, it pays to record your product sourcing outings, trade show trips, client visits, etc.

Watch where you’re spending and where you’re profitable, so you know what’s working and what needs work.

Playing It Safe

Lastly, you need to back up everything with documentation. With an internet business, most of your transactions occur online, so it’s important you print them out and keep good records. You should have records for four years—the current year and three years prior—just in case the IRS ever has any questions. Even if your deductions are perfectly legitimate, you need to have the receipts and paperwork to prove it, or they can still come after you for back taxes. By documenting your profits and expenses, you’re really just protecting yourself.

No matter how new or how small your online business is, it’s never too early to start treating it like a business. You want to start keeping good records from Day One. Getting legal and getting organized aren’t nearly as intimidating as they sound, and they can be the difference between success and failure.