Oil Exploration and Production Process Training

The training course covers the basics of oil and gas exploration and production process in intricate detail. A large range of topics like oil well drilling, well completion, wellhead christmas tree, reservoir drives, artificial lift, stimulation, additional recovery, oil & gas separation, two-phase separation, three-phase separation, oil well testing, etc. have been covered in theCBT.

The primary focus on graphics/animations in the Oil Exploration and production process training program helps in very clearly understanding operating/working principles & procedures and gives a deep insight into the oil exploration and production process process.

  • Explains the Oil Exploration & production process process
  • A wide range of topics covered
  • Sequential, meticulous, step-by-step explanations
  • Extensive 2D / 3D graphics, models and animations
  • Skill tests, certificate printouts

Who Can Benefit:
Students as well as maintenance and engineering personnel who have not had formal training, will find that this computer based training program on the exploration and production process of oil increases both their knowledge and confidence when performing maintenance. Those with previous training may find this program a good refresher and may learn some important information not covered in their original training.

Hardware Lock:
The Oil CBT program is also available in a "Hardware Lock"  licensing method. Many users have requested that they be able to use the software on multiple computers, i.e. when working with the program on the office computer and on the home computer. This Hardware Lock method allows users to install software on as many computers as they like. They need only enter the key on which ever computer they are currently wanting to use the software on. This copyright method also works great for the class room environment.

Special Hardware Lock Bonus: For the hardware lock option, upon request, we will embed your company logo (replacing the BIN95 logo) in the compressor training software, both to give you a customized feel as well as for added protection of your new company software. (Please note URL of company logo in comment area when ordering or email your logo to us, if you would like to take advantage of this new feature.)

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