Does A Fully Automated Home Business Exist?

The short answer is no, in any language. As to the so called 99% automated systems, that’s actually worst because anyone thinks that he can handle 1%. The mind boggling aspect is that the 1% is never defined until you have been sucked in already. The 1% suddenly becomes the 99% and is defined as marketing. Worst of all, in most cases you are left alone with some basic Back Office help like “we will give you all the tools”.

The Good News is that there is a cure for it. We’ll get to this at the end of this Article. There are basically 3 major Dilemmas you are faced with. The first dilemma, I just call it the human factor and that is; We always want more for less. It is a dilemma for both the opportunity seekers as well as the Marketers.

Let’s assume you are looking for an opportunity to make serious money to buy a car, or pay for your University or flat out, become financially independent. Make no mistakes, these are no dreams, they are here for you to grab. Now back to the Dilemma, if you run across an ad that says;

Home Business Opportunity that requires some serious work.

Would you click on it? The average opportunity seeker will not click, period. The above ad is probably as honest as it gets but no one would go for it because it looks like too much work.

The next dilemma is lack of time, lack of focus, lack of action and least but not last, distraction. Everyone seems to be in a hurry, especially on the internet. If you don’t sit down, make a plan of attack, accept some work and get going, you will be back in two years time, reading the same article and still looking for this fully automated system. There is simply no guy out there that does all the work for you and shuffle a Million $ in your bank account. Let’s be serious.

The third dilemma is the inability to separate top programs from empty promises. This is where it gets a little bit more complicated as all of the above factors play a roll.

Due to the large number of offers in cyber space, it definitely helps if you simply use common sense. If the offer is too good to be true, look for tell tales like, testimonials. If you see that reputable internet marketers express their opinion about a particular program, it will give you a fairly good indication. Top marketers will not risk their reputation by joining second rate programs. Also do not fall into little traps like “Last chance“ type of offers. You will always find an other chance on the internet. The only time you have missed your last chance is when you are on the way to boot hill. So life is good, feel free, be in charge.

As to the lack of time, lack of focus, lack of action and distraction. Pay attention not to rush to conclusions too fast. I am confident that you have the ability to think rational otherwise you would not be reading this article. Here is a world famous phrase that sums it up; In order to move quickly, you must walk carefully. Apply this on a daily basis and before you know it, you’re on the road to success.

Once you have selected a program that suits your purpose, please stay focused and above all start to act, take things in your own hand. When you are focused and committed, you will find the time you thought you never had. Set priorities, follow through and the distraction will disappear. You must run your own life or someone else will run it for you.

In my opinion it also wise to stop the habit of “More for Less”. Do you really gain anything by down loading 35 free e-books and tons of other stuff? This is part of the distraction and focus problems. Instead go for less but select it to your needs.

As mentioned at the beginning of the Article, the 1% that has turned into 99% is called marketing. There is no other way around, marketing is the breaking point. I repeat, it’s the breaking point. What really beats me is the fact that there are literally millions of books available on the subject. Despite that, it seems that the point did not get across to most up-coming marketers. One of the reasons might be that, article writing, blogging, ezines, one-way links, forums, list building, Google and others, just to name a few, seems to be too abstract. Instead they prefer the blast to nowhere.

The reason why I put marketing last is that it hope it makes an impact on you. Rest assured it is definitely not as complicated as it sounds. All you need is a program that offers easy to follow step by step procedures. This is an other important tell tale when selecting a program.

Check and see if you only get the marketing tools or if a comprehensive step by step procedure is included. This will cut the learning time by ten fold. Contact the helpdesk, ask specific questions, you don’t want to be left on you own.

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