How To Creating a Web Based Business, Part 2 of 5

You are more than likely coming here as a follow up to my Part 1 of 5 article on creating an online business.

Today I'm going to talk about affiliate selections. When I say affiliate selections, I am assuming you are wanting to offer a product or service for other companies, on your site. You will need to identify those companies.

I would suggest have a good variety of choices for your customers. You will need to make a different landing page for each group so that when a customer comes to your site; they will be taken to the product or service they are looking for.

Remember the goal is to set your web site up so that you are a middleman offering products and services to the visitors who frequent your site. You won't have to get involved in the process. Once they click a link they will be taken directly to the companies web site. The companies will then pay you a small referral fee for each sale or lead. Think about how many millions of people you have access to through the Internet. Amazing isn't it?

Last article we talked about finding a proven system, whereby you are given a template web site that can be easily modified to accommodate your products and services. You probably have already thought of some of the affiliate companies that you would like to offer your visitors. Here are a few of the criteria I would suggest looking for when identifying the companies you wish to deal with:

* Identify companies that you feel, after researching, that have viable products or service that your visitors well need and want. You can have the best product in the world, but if no one wants it you're not going to make any money.

* Check for any history or feedback from existing customers using forums etc.

* Identify companies that have a money back guarantee and actually honor that guarantee when asked. Move them to the top of the list. Protect your customers as much as possible. They will be loyal and return to your site when they need something else. Encourage feedback on the companies you offer.

* Check the respective companies payout record to affiliates.

* How long have they been in business?

* Ensure that the company offers step-by-step guidance for the product or service they provide.

* What type of customer support will your visitors have?

These are just a few of the many criteria that need to be looked at. When reading forums, remember not every article has to be positive. Sometimes it's simply not a good fit for that particular person. Often times good companies get a bad reputation on forums simply because the person realized they were going to have to do some work. Nothing is free. Look at how many positive posts there are to negative posts. I can assure you the largest of companies have some unhappy customers that have posted negative things on forums. Look at the big picture.

on the other side there are many scams out there that need to be avoided if possible. This can be done in part through your research. You will either need to use a website like mine, but not necessarily mine, or be prepared to do a lot of research yourself.

Once you have identified the companies you want to offer your visitors you will then need to add either them to your site with your appropriate affiliate link so you will get credit for the sales. This will take a little time, but be patient because you are building the foundation of your business. It does no good to have an incorrectly typed link that pays you nothing. Check to ensure that your affiliate links are tracking properly.

In my last article I mentioned that you can choose to pay someone else to develop, and maintain your site or learn how to do so yourself. I think it's important for you, if possible, to be able to modify and maintain your site.

Please feel free to read both this article or one of my many others by visiting my link in the resource box below. I always enjoy getting emails pertaining to my articles or my site. Your feedback is important to me.

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