Extensive experience representing Canadian businesses and financial institutions in public and private placements, cross-border M&A around the globe, acquisition financing, project financing, commercial mortgages, real estate and other matters.

We have represented the government of Canada in all of its US dollar financing activity, which has included SEC-registered offerings of US dollar and foreign currency denominated bonds registered on Schedule B, credit facilities with US bank syndicates, the Canada Bills program and a medium-term note program.

We have also represented the Export Development Canada and Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, Canadian Federal crown corporations, in all of their respective securities activities in the US, including their US registered offerings, Euro medium-term note offerings and US commercial-paper programs. EDC and CMHC have been particularly frequent and innovative users of the international capital markets. Additionally, we represented the Canada Housing Trust in connection with Rule 144A/Regulation S offerings of Canada Housing Bonds and The Canadian Wheat Board in connection with establishing its multi-billion dollar US commercial paper program.

We were also retained to represent the Ontario Securities Commission to negotiate with the Securities and Exchange Commission regarding the development of the Multijurisdictional Disclosure System with the US, and to provide counsel in the enhancement of the Ontario dealer, self-regulatory and customer protection fund regulatory systems.

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