Benefits of Business Podcasting

Mention podcasting and the image of someone sitting in their basement with a computer and microphone, dreaming of becoming a professional DJ, is what comes to mind for many. It may surprise you to learn that this emerging technology is actually becoming a mainstream marketing and communication tool for businesses, with the potential to make significant contributions to the bottom line.

Podcasting is simply the act of making radio-quality audio programs available for download through an RSS feed to a computer, MP3 player or other portable media device. Listeners need only subscribe to a podcast once; afterwards, new content is automatically delivered to them as soon as it becomes available. With computers and portable media devices being everywhere, podcasting is a powerful tool for businesses to extend their brand, improve “customer stickiness” and increase sales and their online visibility.

Small to mid-sized businesses are known for being early adopters of cutting-edge technology because they are generally more willing to try new things that can help them gain a competitive advantage. Business podcasting is an inexpensive, effective means for these companies to get their messages in front of potential customers, globally. And because listeners have a vested interest – otherwise they wouldn’t subscribe to the show – delivering specific information so precisely to target audiences yields a higher ROI than any direct marketing or advertising campaign. This unique ability has even large companies like IBM, Disney and General Motors either exploring or already experiencing the benefits of business podcasting.

Companies are also using podcasting to streamline business processes and enhance their internal communications. Instead of sending out monthly newsletters or conducting group training sessions, business podcasting is a more effective method for distributing and sharing information. Simply create a podcast and your target audience can listen to the information whenever and wherever they want by simply downloading it into their portable media device. Not only does this create a more enjoyable listening experience, it’s more cost-effective and less time-consuming than the old traditional methods.

The benefits of business podcasting are still emerging; but, it’s only a matter of time before businesses leveraging this new medium become commonplace. Inexpensive, easy to implement and greater ROI, podcasting is one of the most effective tools a company can use to communicate with potential customers and grow its business.

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