7 Steps to a Purpose Driven Home Based Business: The Winning Combination of Passion and Profit

Have you been thinking about leaving your job and starting a work at home enterprise? If you have mentioned your desire to anyone other than another entrepreneur you may have been discouraged. For many people it is hard to understand why anyone would want to leave “the safety and security” of a job and “risk their lively hood.” But if you have ever been hit by an entrepreneurial seizure there is something that happens which is unexplainable.

If you are willing to respond to this deep emotion you will never be happy living your life by a job description. You want more. A cubicle will feel like a prison and until you create something you can call your own you will feel like each day a part of you is making a deal with the devil.

For most people starting a business is a scary proposition. So how do you create an environment that pulls you towards success? What can you do to inspire yourself to take your life back and build wealth from home? Creating a purpose driven home based business is the winning combination that blends living your passion and profiting from it.

Here are 7 seven steps you can take towards a purpose driven work at home career:

1. You can create a vision and mission for your home based enterprise that inspires you. Life is too short. When you make the decision to leave the rat race you don’t want to create a business that’s simply another job. So why are you taking this journey? What do you want your business to look like?

For example, I am clear that my home based venture is as much about lifestyle as it is profit. When ever I work on my business I look at my mission that includes income developed through passive income and working no more than 25 hours a week.

Why? Because after 15+ years in Corporate America I learned that what are important to me are my personal relationships. I no longer wanted to trade my time for money. At the end of my life I don’t want to remember how many hours I worked for someone else or the sacrifices I made for a company. As a result, my vision is to create a lifestyle that allows me to enjoy life with the people I care about.

What is your vision for your business? Try to include all of your senses. What will it look like when you get there? How will you feel? Who will be there to celebrate with you? With you smell the breeze of the ocean water or the pungent fragrance of swaying honeysuckle? The more you connect with your vision the more you will be inspired.

2. Create your business based around something you are passionate about. There is something magical that happens when you are operating in something you love to do and are uniquely good at. Have you ever had a job you hated? How did you feel? You will never live a life of purpose doing something you don't like. Discover your passion and give it all you've got.

For years I worked in jobs that I was good at but hated. However, when I struck out on my own I wanted to have a life I loved. I uncovered my unique talents and went to work. And what happened for me can happen for you.

When you start to live the life you were born to do the universe makes all of the resources available to you that you need to be successful. So what are you passionate about? What skills and talents do you have you can create a life and business around? Write down two or three skills have that would be utilized in your purpose driven business.

3. Make your business a business that is bigger than you. What would it feel like to know that your business was directly responsible for impacting the world in some way? How would you feel to know that when you passed on people from around the world would thank you for the part you played in creating something of value that was important to them?

At first, this line of thinking can be overwhelming. However, not when you start to think of what is at the core of any business. Your goal is to find a solution to your customers’ problems. And in exchange they are willing to pay you for it. To the extent that you get to know their hopes, desires, dreams and pains and you help to successfully maneuver the maze of life they will be forever grateful.

So how can your venture make its mark in the world? My goal is to help people discover their passion, monetize it and live a life they love. I personally want to help 1000 people in the next 3 years take their life back and build wealth from home. The very thought that I could play a small part in helping someone else do this gives my business a purpose much bigger than me.

Write down one goal that you have for your business that is bigger than you. Make sure you keep the goal in front of you where you can see it everyday.

4. Develop a business plan that supports your values and beliefs. Whenever you are working to accomplish something great you must have a plan. The creation of your business plan is the map that you will use to guide you through your journey. One of the keys to a successful plan is to make sure everything you do is consistent with your values and beliefs.

For example, if you have a family and want to spend more time with them you don’t want to build a business that requires you to spend long amounts of time away from them to build.

Don’t get me wrong. You will make choices and sacrifices. However, those should be things that are short term and spelled out. You want to be clear what you are giving up or making adjustments and what you will get in return.

"Strive for integrity--that means knowing your values in life and behaving in a way that is consistent with these values." ---author unknown. When you are building something that is consistent with who you are as a person your daily actions will feed your soul.

5. Consider giving a percentage of the profits to an organization you love. I love the quote, "No one has ever become poor by giving." --Anne Frank. Actually our lives are enriched when we give.

For example, maybe you have a religious organization you would like to tithe to. Or you might like to help a cause that is close to your heart. One of my favorite charitable organizations is the Junior Achievement.

Junior Achievement uses hands-on experiences to help young people understand the economics of life. This organization partners with business leaders and educators. The mission of Junior Achievement is to bring the real world to students and open their mind to their potential.

I chose to contribute to this organization because I love to see young people find their passion and follow it early in life. I feel like my life is enriched when I can help a young person discover their passion and avoid the rat race.

Do you have an organization you would like to contribute to? Think about how you would feel if your company was contributing to an organization that was helping to make a difference in the world.

6. Extend your hand to help someone who wants to do what you do. One of the ways to give purpose to your business is to teach, coach or mentor a person. There are people who would love to benefit from the knowledge and expertise you have acquired.

You might want to teach a class or create a coaching club. You can impact several people at once and leverage your time.

Who can you reach out to and help? What vehicle will you use to make a difference for someone else? Write down 3 ideas and implement one immediately.

7. Create a community by enrolling others to make it happen. Have you ever experienced the power of what happens when several people are committed to one goal? There is a powerful force that happens when you speak your purpose out loud and invite others to become a part of it.

Look for opportunities to have customers, friends, family and colleagues to become a part of the mission of your business. Your company could become a cause for change in the world.

For example, who would ever imagine that the purpose of a greeting card company was to change peoples lives one card at a time? Well it’s true. I had the privileged of hearing the CEO of this greeting card speak.

He told the story of how he had a prompting to say goodbye one more time to his brother when he was moving and failed to do so. Shortly after the move he got a phone call that his brother had died tragically. He was haunted by the fact he had failed to say good bye.

Later he was inspired to create a greeting card company that allows people to act on their promptings. Never again, would anyone miss any opportunity to send someone they care about a card. His passion and commitment about his business is contagious. He truly embodies the characteristics of a purposed driven home based business.

So the choice is yours. You can create a business that focuses solely on making a buck and during the difficult times it might not be enough to get you through. Or you can create something with purpose. These 7 traits are a winning combination. Life is truly a joy when you can have a home based business with purpose and profit from it.

Keep The Fountain Of Business Idea Flowing

In an age of catastrophic population growth and shrinking job opportunities, why not take a look at putting up your own business? There has never been a better time to be an entrepreneur. No, it is not too late nor it is too early to open for business.

If you choose to try your luck at having your own business, start right by keeping your business idea fountain flowing. The many enterprises you see today, from the ones you see in your neighborhood to the ones you read about in the business section of various broadsheets, are once merely ideas; they are products of one’s fertile imagination and spirit of innovation.

Know Thyself

First things first, to be an effective business owner someday, you must know yourself. Ask yourself if you have even the smallest trickle of the characteristics of a successful entrepreneur. While not everybody can be a businessman, the good thing is everybody can learn the skills of how to be a good businessman.

Do you have foresight? Are you creative or imaginative enough to come up with new ideas and products? Are you courageous enough to face the challenges of running your own enterprise? Can you endure criticism and instead channel your frustrations to churning out more innovative business ideas?

Being an entrepreneur is not easy. And the very first step is to know yourself so that you can adapt your ideas to your personality. Thus, you will be able to upgrade your skills or choose a business that suits your character.

Be In The Loop

You would not want to offer fire proof paints with asbestos! Asbestos has been banned for decades now because it has poisonous side effects. To have great business ideas, you should know a lot about what is happening around you. Read the papers or visit trade fairs; this way, you will be sensitive to what is current and what could be the trend in the future in terms of products and services to offer.

Do Not Reinvent The Wheel

You can not offer baked goodies with holes in the middle and call them bread wheels. What you can do is try to improve or create unique toppings and syrups for your goodies and still call them donuts. Forty years ago, computers are found only in science fiction comic books. But today they are as essential as the cooking stove.

As much as your creativity can take you, come up with ideas of new products and services to offer. Nothing beats being the first in an industry. If not, your ideas should try to add more value to existing products and services. Like the story of cellular phones and cameras; they used to be two different gadgets, but now it is not uncommon to see camera phones.

Force yourself to think of new ideas and concepts. This will keep your idea fountain alive and flowing. Besides, it is always a good business sense to venture into new or improved product lines.

Join The Club

There is no point in having excellent business ideas without having the heart to start your own business. Turning the business switch on is different from just having the famed light bulb flashing inside your head. When you are actually starting and running your business, you get the feel of the industry you are in; more and more business ideas will pour out.

Always be aware and prepare yourself when that light bulb in your head blinks. You might never realize it but you will be at a crossroad between living your dreams and living in mediocrity. Good luck on your venture!

Security System – The Way To Protect Your Home Or Business

A security system is the key to protecting your home or business from intruders and burglars. Today security systems are increasingly popular and are installed in the majority of homes. There are many different models available from wired systems to wireless systems. You can also purchase do it yourself alarm systems that will range in price from $10 to $100, but for a sophisticated whole home security alarm system you will need to call in the experts.

A security system is built around a basic design concept and this concept uses a simple electric circuit. This circuit is built into an entry way and once the circuit is broken the alarm system is triggered. There are two types of circuits that are used and these are closed circuit systems and open circuit systems. Closed circuits are normally seen as the better choice.

Magnetic sensors are also used for closed circuit systems and when a door is closed the magnet closes the circuit. Other methods use small buttons which are embedded in the door frame and these buttons are pushed in when the door closes. If the door is opened the button is released and this will trigger the alarm.

The control box is the next most important piece of equipment used in security systems and these control boxes are normally located just inside your entrance door. Once your alarm system has been triggered you must enter your security code into the control box to disable the alarm.

The control box is also used to turn your alarm system on when you are leaving your home and is crucial to any security alarm system.

These are the key components to a security alarm system; sensors or circuit breakers and a control box. There are many additional components that can be used and these include motion detectors.

Whatever type of alarm system you decide to have installed in your home or business, it is always advisable to shop around before purchasing anything.

Have you ever stopped to think about the goals that you have made for your life? We have all had plans and dreams about what we want to achieve in our life time. When I was in college I had thought about many things that I wanted to accomplish. Then life began to happen and many of my dreams were set aside to deal with the reality of what was going on. Instead of working on my master’s degree I was raising a family and keeping my household running. I was enjoying my children and my relationship with my husband but so many things that I wanted out of my life seemed to be slipping away with the passage of time. When my last child finished high school and entered college I decided that it was time to once again focus on some of my dreams and goals.

When I first started working I had decided that I did not want to spend my entire working life working for someone else. I knew that as an employee I was helping to make my employer rich and that I would never see the full benefits of the time and effort that I put in. I knew that the way people made big money was to start your own business. I was beginning to realize that I needed to act on this soon or I would be working longer than I wanted to. My husband warned me that I may no longer have the energy to pull this off. He felt that to start you own business you had to build from the ground level up and establish it through many years. We had agreed that we would retire in our late fifties and he was concerned that my dream to start your own business was going to get in the way of this. I told him that I at least needed to do some research into this to feel that I had at least made an attempt towards the goal. We agreed that I would not become involved in anything that would jeopardize our retirement time frames. I told him that one of my co-workers had received information to start your own business that outlined a ten year plan to make a good living. This is where I wanted to start to see if it involved something that I would be interested in.

My criteria for getting involved in a business were that it would be something I could do from home without a great deal of travel and be product based rather than information based. I looked at many different sites that out lined ways to start your own business. I became involved with a company that has been in business for over twenty years and made products for the environment. I liked the fact that I could get involved with the business while still being involved in my job so we were not losing income. Within six months I was able to quit my job and match the income that I had been bringing in. I love being my own boss and setting my own hours. It is never to late to work on your goals and accomplish your dreams.

The Number One Reason For Business Failure!

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "Build a better mousetrap, and the world will beat a path to your door."

But when you're starting your own business, there's no guarantee that your "mousetrap" is going to survive, especially in today's fast-paced business world.

Nearly half of all small businesses fail within the first two years of operation. The number one reason for business failure is inadequate planning. The second reason is under-capitalization.

So before you mortgage your house, or go into debt financing your business, you need to know if your business is going to do more than survive -- you want to know if it's good enough to thrive! Here are three things successful businesses that have stayed in business for five years or longer have in common:

1. The idea. A successful business start-up always starts with an idea. Something that makes your business stand out from all the rest. So how do you know if you've got a good idea?

You've probably got a good idea if you can answer yes to any of the following questions: Does your idea provide the solution to a significant problem for your target market? Does it satisfy a need or want? Does it create an opportunity?

The most successful businesses either fix problems (either real or perceived), or they increase your customer's pleasure. They create a repeat need for a product or service among the target market.

2. The market. Your chances of survival are better if you can answer the following questions with a yes: Is there already a market for your product or service? (It's much easier to fill a need than trying to create an entirely new market.) Can your target market afford to buy your products or services? (If they can't afford it, it doesn't matter how great it is, you won't sell any!) Will your target market perceive your product or service as valuable? (If they want it, but don't think it's worth what you're selling it for, you won't make any sales.)

3. Your ability. Do you have the people, the resources and the knowledge to be able to consistently provide your products or services to your target market? Can you maintain a competitive advantage? Do you have enough manpower? Can you purchase the supplies and materials you need over the long run?

Your first step always is to create a solid business plan. Your business plan is more than an essay on "Why I deserve to get funding for my idea" however. Don't spend all the time creating a business plan and then toss it in the bottom drawer of your desk. Your business plan should be a living, breathing roadmap that helps you make sure you're on course and reaching the goals that you set for your business.

The second step to business survival is getting enough financing. Although the term "bootstrap entrepreneur" describes most small business owners, having enough capital to be able to keep your business afloat is vital to your survival.

When you're creating your financial analysis of your business, make sure you're being realistic about costs and expenditures, so that you give yourself the cushion you need to succeed.

If finding financing is a problem, either because you don't have enough credit or equity, or there are other problems, take the time to look into the resources that are available in your community. There are a wide variety of grants and loans (including microloans) for entrepreneurs, if you know where to look.

Some great resources will be:
-The Small Business Administration
-Local Small Business Development Centers
-Women's Organizations
-Local University or Community College
-Chamber of Commerce
-SCORE (The Association for Retired Executives)
-Nonprofit organizations that work on economic development in your area

Use other successful business models as a guide. When you're getting started, look around. What businesses are successful? Why? What is it they're doing that is working? What attributes do you admire, and why? You stand a better chance of succeeding if you're modeling someone who is already successful.

Find a mentor. Most entrepreneurs have great skills and abilities, but no one does everything well. You probably already know what your strengths and weaknesses are. (If not, there are many resources and tools that can help you figure it out!) Rather than ignoring your weaknesses, find a mentor who can help you either build your skills in your weaker areas, or offer advice for getting what you need.

If you take the time to plan to succeed, you could be creating a legacy that will be enjoyed by future generations, and that other entrepreneurs will look at as a model for building their own businesses.

5 Top Things Baby Boomers Must Do Before Starting a Home Based Business

5 Top Things Baby Boomers Must Do Before Starting a Home Business

Don't quit your day job just yet.If you are a baby boomer looking to start a home business, there are 5 essentials things you must do first.

Leaving the security of a job with an established 401(k) plan, health insurance or other benefits can create a real tug of war for baby boomers who want to pursue their dreams of owning their own business.

Analyze Your Exit Strategy

At the time of this writing, the youngest of the baby boomers are turning 42 and the oldest are turning 60. No matter where you fall into this group, analyzing and preparing your exit strategy from your job will be crucial to your long-term success as a home business entrepreneur. Do you have adequate savings? If you're married, will you be able to participate in your spouse's health insurance?

Create a Financial Plan

How much is your salary now? What are your fixed, variable and frivilous expenses? Creating a solid plan so that you and your family will know exactly what the financial picture will be until your business gets off the ground and starts generating revenue.

Choosing a Business Model and Legal Entity

There are several business models to choose from; home party plans, consulting, and affiliate marketing to name a few. You have to make the decision based on your personality and what you are best-suited for. Choosing a legal entity for your business should be discussed with a tax accountant or your attorney. Options are sole proprietor, LLC or Subchapter S- Corp.

Set Business Benchmarks

You wouldn't travel across the country without a road map, your business is the same. Setting financial and business-building benchmarks will help you to create a focused plan that will help you to reach your success.

Get a Physical

What does getting a physical have to do with your business? Once you leave your job, most likely your health insurance will change and as unfair as it may be, trying to get new health insurance when in your 40's, 50's or 60's can be difficult. While pursuing your dreams of a home business is something you are probably very passionate about, if you do not have good health to enjoy the rewards of your efforts, then not much else is important.

The baby boomer generation is like no other before it or after it. Technically, we are considered middle-aged, but we are anything but middle-aged in mind, body and spirit. We know there is more meaning to life than a commute to an unrewarding 9-5 job, but there are also important steps we must take first. Planning and preparing for your home business now will lead to less headache's later on.

The Business Of Loaning Money

Most lending institutions are in the business of loaning money for home buyers or businesses, and have no desire to go through the repossession process for someone who has defaulted on their mortgage. The process of booting someone out of their home or commercial process can be long and costly procedure and working through financial problems with the current owner is often cheaper and easier than taking ownership of a property.

However, in many situations lenders find that repossession may be the only option they have in securing repayment on the defaulted loan and begin the steps to claim the property as their own. Once the process has begun, there are avenues for the debtor to follow in the courts to attempt to retain ownership, but the stipulations are spelled out ion law, and without meeting those requirements, the borrowers will have trouble maintaining rights to the property.

Typically, once a foreclosure order has been sought by a lender, the borrower will have a set amount of time to bring the mortgage up to date, before the entire unpaid balance comes due and payable. Once that time has passed and the mortgage remains in arrears, the entire balance must be paid to stop the repossession proceedings. Since this is unlikely to happen, the courts sometimes give the owner time to sell the property, if it can show that selling the property will provide sufficient funding to satisfy the mortgage agreement.

If the deadline to sell is not met, the borrower can appeal the foreclosure proceedings, but if that fails, repossession of the property is usually granted to the lender and the borrower is evicted from the property. Once vacated, the lender is considered the legal owner of the property and has all legal recourse to collect the balance due on the loan as well as any costs incurred during the process. This can all be avoided however, if the borrower keeps in close contact with the bank.

In most cases, the property is put on the market for sale, or put up for auction and once sold the previous owner is liable for any portion of the balance not covered by the sale of the property. If the sale nets more than what is owed, the lender is obligated to forward the balance to the previous owner. Although this is a rare occurrence, if the property appraisal is high enough, and has built up untapped equity, it is entirely possible.

Most people view repossession as an end to their financial life and accept the probability that they will never be able to own property again. However, once their financial obligations are dissolved and they have rebuilt a positive credit history, there are alternative lending sources that may be willing to take the risk of offering another mortgage in the future. There are many ways to go about rebuilding credit and a wise financial advisor can help with the challenging task. Credit scores are quite important and it is worth the time and effort to repair them for the future.

Is the MLM business opportunity better off worked at home or what?

MLM is a legitimate and potentially lucrative way to work from home for your own MLM business opportunity.

By directly selling products while creating your own upline downline, you can work your MLM business opportunity part-time, from home, and at in your own hours. Even with all the potential for making money, you should decide, though if an MLM is for you.

Many people are blinded by all the benefits of an MLM when determining if this type of business is right for them. You do not need to have a college degree or any experience to get into the industry.

The products are already manufactured and are usually shipped by the company directly to your customers. Plus, you choose your hours and your work location. In fact, many MLM business opportunities are taken by people who work from the comfort of their own home.

Other benefits of an MLM business opportunity that is worked from home is that you have leverage; you continue earning commissions on a single effort. You do not need to come up with your own business or marketing plan, because the company does it for you. Also, recruiting and training systems are provided for you by the company.

Despite the numerous benefits, MLM businesses do come with some downfalls.

For instance, you usually start of marketing to family and friends. This is especially so if you are just starting your work from home MLM business. This can create some friction and alienation, especially among people who are more acquaintances than close friends and family.

The work is selling, so you need to have a pretty strong backbone, as many people will tell you, “no” instead of the much-coveted “yes”. Therefore, it takes a lot of effort and motivation.

In order to make the most potential income, you need to continuously recruit new representatives. Plus, if you are working from home, your MLM business opportunity require that you purchase a certain amount of product each month or quarter, adding in a financial commitment.

Working at home works for some people. But other people find that it takes a great deal of discipline and motivation to get the job done without being easily distracted. Before you decide to take up the MLM business opportunity and work at home, make sure that you get all the information that you need to make an informed decision.

So weighing out the good and bad, is MLM for you?

Well, if you are a self-starter with a lot of energy and motivation then it is a good start. If you have leadership skills and can set goals and meet them, then MLM might be for you, too.

MLM people have great people skills and are self-starters. They have strong powers of persuasion and can influence people easily.They also have an ability to guide and encourage others to work the program.

An MLM business opportunity is an ideal trade to run on the Internet and work from your home. If you have the personality to run this type of business, then it could be the perfect opportunity for you.

Just make sure you watch out for MLM scams and do your research before joining. Then take advantage of the MLM opportunities that await you. Try working at home and see how well it suits you.

Per Diem Rates and Business Taxes

The tax code for the United States is over 50,000 pages. Buried in this code is the subject of per diem rates, a topic that can save businesses money on their taxes.

Per Diem Rates and Business Taxes

Understanding the Internal Revenue Service and all of its workings when trying to fill out your tax forms can be a monumental undertaking indeed. There are many complicated factors that work their way into gross revenues and potential deductions. In order to successfully get the best rates and save the most money, it is incredibly important to understand some of these complex concepts, such as Per Diem rates.

Employers who pay a per diem allowance to their employees for business travel obviously will seek ways to have this amount deducted which is very understandable considering it is a necessary business expense. The rates released by the IRS each year indicate how much a business can receive in deductions on their taxes from giving their employees allowances for business travel. Essentially, the Per Diem rates give businesses a scale as to how much they can reduce of the amounts that they are considered to have give their employees in wages, thus reducing taxes.

The Per Diem rates are split into two categories. CONUS rates are updated periodically and they relate to the rates for business travel and expenses within the Continental United States. On the other hand, UCONUS rates are posted a bit more often that have to do with the rates in relation to business travel and expenses undertaken outside of the Continental United States, whether it be foreign or even Hawaii and Alaska.

These rates are updated at intervals to reflect the estimated costs of sending employees on business trips to different locations. For instance, an employee flying to New York and staying at a hotel for a business trip would cost considerably more than another employee going to Nebraska. The Per Diem rates are calculated by the Service and attempt to deduce accurately the costs of going to different locations on business. With fluctuating fuel prices, the rates are being changed constantly as you might imagine.

If you have a business and employees that travel, per diem rates should be of interest to you. After all, they are going to save you a load of cash on your tax bill.

Polos and Work Shirts: The Pick of the Litter for Business Uniforms

It's always exciting to start a new job at a reputable company, but if the required uniforms are uncomfortably stuffy, the anticipation of clocking in may decline a few notches. Polos and work shirts are definitely the preference when it comes to uniform gear.

One of the benefits of dispensing Polos and work shirts to employees is the easy upkeep. There's nothing worse than the look on a supervisor or manager's face when an employee shows up in a wrinkled garment. While it is possible to wrinkle Polos, it would take a lot of effort, such as scrunching the shirt into a ball, running over it with a steam roller and then attaching it to a flag pole to flutter in the wind! As long as the worker washes, dries and hangs up the Polo or work shirt in a normal and proper way, they should be able to walk into work wrinkle-free. Really, the only concern at hand for management is making sure the Polo work shirt is tucked into the dress pants or jeans and not stylishly (and sloppily) hanging loosely over the waist line.

Employees prefer polos as work shirts because they simply are more fun and comfortable. These duds are less confining and resemble the casual attire many people would likely wear during their everyday lives rather than a button-down, stiff dress shirt.

Solid color Polo work shirts also add a bit of excitement to the atmosphere of a retail store or restaurant for business patrons. They project a lively and playful environment which sends a message of light-heartedness and sincerity. Additionally, providing employees with matching Polos and work shirts will send a message to customers that help can be attained by simply tracking down an eye-catching red work shirt, for example.

For a retail business, such as an electronics store, it is probably best to keep the Polo work shirt direct and modest as to express the utmost professionalism and business-like atmosphere. Name tags would be a nice addition to add a personable touch to the customer-salesman relationship. Instead of blue jeans, require employees to present themselves in a more salesman-type way, accompanying the Polo work shirt with dress slacks or kaki pants and comfortable, yet clean and tidy, shoes.

However, in a restaurant scene, the more fun the ambience the better. Encourage employees to not only display name tags, but also sport entertaining (but tasteful) pins or broaches and colorful animated buttons. This adds a memorable experience to the paying customer. Because most restaurant workers are required by the health department to secure long hair, providing employees with solid color baseball caps that coordinate with their Polos or work shirts will add to finesse of the uniform. Not only will instituting Polo work shirts into uniform requirements for your business add a controlled and professional appearance to your sales floor, but it was also instill a high-spirited and lively attitude in your employees, as they will feel more comfortable and less confined in their work uniform.