
3 Steps To Starting A Home Business...

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This little article will give some proper ideas for you to be able to choose and start a very profitable and enjoyable Home Business.

With so many different kinds of opportunities that can be found, it can be quite confusing on just how to make this whole Home Business phenomenon work for you, and earn you much income.

So, in order for you to prosper with your own business here are 3 steps you should always follow in order to make it all work for you.

#1 - Choose the...


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This little article will give some proper ideas for you to be able to choose and start a very profitable and enjoyable Home Business.

With so many different kinds of opportunities that can be found, it can be quite confusing on just how to make this whole Home Business phenomenon work for you, and earn you much income.

So, in order for you to prosper with your own business here are 3 steps you should always follow in order to make it all work for you.

#1 - Choose the right product or service to offer your future customers. It should be something you are comfortable with,plus having some knowledge of the product or service will be to your advantage. You will naturally have to do some research to help you with this.

In order for your Home Business to be enjoyable you must be able to pick a product/service that will work for you. Then your aim will be to earn money -- ask yourself if this is the perfect product or service for you.


Choose the product or service that gets you excited.

Yep, that's it. Make sure that you are happy with your choice, then you can honestly offer it to your buyers who will also be happy too.

This way,you will be able to get behind your decision and put your best effort into making your Home Business a true success for your future income, and you will have happy customers, too.

#2-Use time tested and proven marketing techniques.

Do not try to "reinvent the wheel".

You MUST use proven techniques that have been tested to give your Home Business the very best results. Your buyers will want these results too!

Some of these are: Place little inexpensive classified ads in newsletters, newspapers, magazine etc. As well as using powerful and professional sales letters that are simple and to the point.

#3-Be Professional.

You must give the impression that your Home Business is not some hobby or passing idea. Remember, this is YOUR business and you will have to stay motivated. Do not forget also that there will definitely be some competition to be expected - you will have to deal with this also.

You are what you put into your Home Business. You may have to get a business license, and register with the BBB (Better Business Bureau). Also register your own domain name.

You may need to get some nice inexpensive letter head for correspondence. Even in these hectic times, people still like to receive letters on nice letter heads - they will appreciate your thoughtfulness.

So, there you have 3 ingredients that when used properly will surely build for you a profitable and very successful Home Business that can and will make you very proud.

In closing, let me also point out that a business will need some work on your part. As mentioned above, this will not be a hobby or a 1-minute passing idea, so be prepared to spend some time and energy to get your business up and running - SUCCESS WILL FIND YOU!


3 Effective Tactics Every Business Should Implement

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Do you remember your first day as a business owner? You were probably just like the rest of us... pretty darned happy and bit on the proud side.


combination offer, niche markets, referrals

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Do you remember your first day as a business owner? You were probably just like the rest of us... pretty darned happy and bit on the proud side. Yeah, back then we thought we could conquer the world. Now we're too busy conquering our own little corner of the world to pay a lot of attention to the rest of the world... unless it's to learn a few tips from successful marketers just like us who have made it big. Tips just like these... that will apply to every market - regardless of the product or service - are a great motivators to try something new. Yeah, you never know when the next idea will be worth a million dollars!

1. Create a Special Offer
A special offer is exactly that... an offer that is special. Normally, customers would not be able to purchase this product or combination of products, and once the products are gone... sorry!

You don't have to go out and order a bunch of new products to put together a special offer. It don't take a whole lot... just use what you've got. Grab a few items that are related, group them together, discount the price, and your customers will be excited to be getting a good deal. Think about it from your standpoint... you've sold three or four items rather than one. Yeah, combination offers are winning deals for everyone!

2. Address the Small Customer Groups
Niche markets are everywhere, right under your nose! Within the customer audience that you serve right now are groups of people who share common traits. Think about it... maybe you have a group who speaks Spanish, a group of teens, and a group of middle class family men and women.

Evaluate these classes of people, and discover the unique needs and desires they share. That will set you up to customize your advertising campaign directly to them. It's not hard to take your current ads, and make a few changes to adjust to the niches. They'll be impressed that you understand THEM, and the increase in your profits will be the best thanks you can get.

3. Set Up a Winning Referral Program
Successful marketers develop the ability to turn their customers into advocates. Often, they don't even have to directly ask customers to refer them to others. Their willingness to go the extra wins customer loyalty and support. Naturally, satisfied customers refer their friends and family to the place that will take good care of them.
Quality service and is the first step toward referrals, but you can easily take it one step further. Studies show that every satisfied customer tells three people about you. What would happen with a little incentive added to the picture? Yeah, a lot more. Give customers who refer friends a thank you - whether it's a discount, special gift item, or a simple thank you card - and watch the referrals spiral!
You can get two birds with one stone by implimenting customer surveys. A few quick questions about what the customer does and doesn't like about your product, followed by a request for the names and addresses of friends and family who would benefit from the product, and you're all set to go with the contact information of a prospective customer!


Your Home Business Opportunity: Your Key To Financial Success

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In the era of the internet, there are few real barriers that now stop the enterprising person from starting and running a business from the comfort of his own home. Anyone who has a computer and an internet connection can now participate in the great economic boom that the rapid technological advances of the past decade has made possible. In other words, there is absolutely no excuse for not taking advantage of the economic opportunities that are now literally staring us in t...


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In the era of the internet, there are few real barriers that now stop the enterprising person from starting and running a business from the comfort of his own home. Anyone who has a computer and an internet connection can now participate in the great economic boom that the rapid technological advances of the past decade has made possible. In other words, there is absolutely no excuse for not taking advantage of the economic opportunities that are now literally staring us in the face.

Today, many people are stuck in jobs that offer them no real prospect of success, in the sense that they themselves define it. Most of us want the same things when it comes to a job. Indeed, studies have shown that what employees all over the world want are remarkably similar. For instance, we all want a sense of “being in on things,” or participating fully in whatever is happening in the company, and not just being at the fringes of important events. Employees also want a sense of accomplishment, of moving forward, of improvement. This can either be found in work that is stimulating, or in a system wherein merit and achievement is rewarded.

Surprisingly enough, money is not even at the top of the list when it comes to what workers want, though that is, of course, an important factor. The primary reason that people work, after all, is to be able to eat and provide for all the other basic needs that human beings have. If work is not compensated well, then workers will be dissatisfied. And this is exactly the situation in most areas of the globe today. Even in America, which is widely considered the richest and most economically prosperous country on the planet, people still suffer through silent indignities which cause them to be unhappy with their work.

The solution, of course, is that they stop working for someone else, and start working for themselves. No matter how rich or generous an employer, there is a limit to how much he can give. He is a businessman, after all, and what businessmen do is try to increase profits and reduce expenses. In the eyes of an entrepreneur, salaries and wages are expenses. And again, expenses are to be reduced, not increased.

With the home business opportunities available today, working for one’s self has never been easier. No matter what skills or talents you have, there are probably one or more home business opportunities that will suit you. In fact, the biggest problem you will probably face is sorting out all the various home business opportunities that will be made available to you. So, if ever you find yourself working in a job that no longer satisfies you, try working for yourself for a change. You might find that it’s perfect for you.


4 Secrets to Turn Any Business Into a Successful Web Business - Part 1

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Lynn VanDyke starts her 4-part article series with a bang! This is a great piece about content and how to use it effectively for building a web business.


Lynn VanDyke, Web Business, SiteSell, SBI, Hosting, Content, How to, Internet Business, Online Business, Entrepreneur

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Copyright 2006 Lynn VanDyke

There are a few secrets that I'd like to share with you. You may have been privy to a few of them before. Actually you may have heard of all 4, but I can promise that you will finish each article with a fresh perspective. I will show you how 4 simple secrets can create a powerhouse web business. This is the first part of the 4 article series.

Before I divulge the vault of successful web business secrets I must warn you of one thing. All the information in the world will not take the place of determination and persistence. A web business is just like an offline business. It takes hard work and resolve to succeed. However working smart is heads and tails better than plain old working. These 4 secrets will turn any smart working, dedicated average Joe or Jane into a successful web business owner.

Web Success Secret #1) Content is king.

Heard that before? I know I have. The thing I never knew was how to use content to my advantage. Content is useless unless it is optimized for the search engines. It must also be optimized for your reader. You have two customers- readers and search engines. You must satisfy both with the same exact content.

Content is king only if you have exact and highly specific keywords placed in correct locations. Unfortunately the hard part is determining what keywords to use. A keyword can be a single word or a phrase. It is the term that web surfers use to search for information. Place yourself in their shoes and try to discover what search terms they use. You must then evaluate the search term. How many people search using that term? How many sites already deliver information on that search term? Simple demand and supply rules. The more demand with the less supply equals more profitability.

You have several options for determining keywords and their profit potential. Search yourself, pay a company to search for you or have your hosting company do a complete keyword search for your niche or web business topic. If your hosting company does not offer this service I recommend you switch to a plan that does. This feature alone can make or break your business' future. If you would like my recommended hosting plan, please contact me.

Without a proper keyword search and analysis you may as well forget about becoming successful with an Internet business. Investing in this one secret is literally the start of planning your website.

Your next action step is to plan your site layout based on the 50-175 high-demand and low-supply keywords. Your site should be structured in three tiers. Tier one is your home page. Tier two is made of all of your main topics and also constitutes your navigation bar buttons. Tier three keywords are sub-topics of tier two pages. Organize your 50-175 keywords into three tiers. Doing this makes it easier for visitors to navigate through your site and it makes it easier for search engine spiders to find all of your pages.

Search engine spiders do not like to fish around for all of your pages and links. This is why many sites offer a “site map”. A site map is one page that contains links to all of the content pages. This is a fine route to take; however most people agree that pages with a lot of links on it are valued less than content pages that casually link to other content pages.

Using three tiers allows you to go from topic to sub-topic to sub-sub-topic all by natural in-content links. For example, tier 1 is the homepage on a fitness site. Tier 2 is a page all about cardio activity and its benefits. A tier three page off of that tier 2 page is about different treadmill routines. Do you see how the site visitor would like this structure? They click on “Cardio” and are given links to more specific pages about cardio topics. Search engine spiders like the three tier structure too. It means they do not have to dig through layers and levels of useless links.

There is even more to content than finding profitable keywords and structuring your site into easy-to-navigate tiers. You must optimize each and every page on your website to perform well and rank high at search engines. Many people devote their working life to optimization secrets. A full length article just on optimizing is possible. Heck, a full length book is possible. My recommendation is to use a hosting company that automatically teaches you how to optimize web pages for the engines. Doing that will cause less headache and frustration and it will keep you focused on building content.

A quick education in optimization: place your specific keyword in the file name, title, description and keyword section of your page. Then sprinkle the keyword throughout the content. Also provide a link using your specific keyword in the link text. If all of this has you spinning your head, I recommend going the hosting company I use. They literally teach you to build a website using blocks. It’s all simple and easier than you think.

There is one last piece to content. It must effectively pre-sell your product or service and position you as the expert in your field. When your website has 50-175 optimized pages for your visitors to read through it will start to position you as the expert. Your site will become known as the place for information about (insert your niche).

When visitors find your site through search engines they are seeking information about a problem or question they have. If they land on your site and you try to sell them something right away one thing is sure- they click the back button and find another site that will give them information. This is why pre-selling your product or service is paramount. Give your visitors what they want. Answer their question and in the process let them know about your services and products.

All of the information develops rapport and trust with your site visitor. It positions you as an expert. It keeps your visitor on your site longer since they are actually reading content. Search engines notice this and rank you better. How well your site can keep visitors is known as "stickiness." Your site must attract and keep visitors for as long as possible.

Provide content that pre-sells your products, positions you as the expert and focuses on highly profitable keywords. You cannot go wrong with your web business if you do those things. The secret to content is to satisfy both your visitor and search engines. Lose one or both and you are doomed. As I mentioned earlier, it is best to work smarter and not harder. Your hosting company should be providing most of these services to you free of charge. There are a small few that do this, but it is well worth the investigation. Contact me for further resources and information. Having a successful web business starts with effective content. Stay tuned for parts 2-4!


3 Steps For A Successful Home Business

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Being an online home business owner, to need to know of and implement 3 very important steps to ensure the success of your home business. Read on to discover 3 simple steps you can use to ensure your home business is successful.



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Being an online home business owner, you need to

have 3 extremely important things, if you

really want to be successful.

Firstly, you need to have a Expert or


Don't know much about Copy Writing,

Internet Marketing, Or Website Design?

Don't worry, most people don't. What you

need to do is play smart. You need to find

yourself someone who has, "been there,

done that", an Expert. Finding yourself a

mentor can be a huge advantage to you;

both financially and mentally. This can be

seen in that the majority of people

who try to establish a online home business, have absolutely no

idea what they're doing. This can be a

massive hurdle, as money is spent and

lost, and the mental hardship continues to

erode any determination.

Secondly, having a back-up plan can be a

big help.

Trying to establish and run, or simply

start a home business, is likened to being

a boat captain, with no life rafts. If the

boat starts to sink, you really have no

option but to go down with it. The same

principle applies to having a home

business. Even though we may try as hard

as we can, some things just don't work.

This is where your back-up plan comes in

handy. Make sure you give your home

business every chance it can to be

successful, but if it doesn't all go

right, don't be afraid to cut your losses

and move on to plan "B".

Thirdly, and this is a big one. To be

successful, you need something which a lot

of people don't have. Unstoppable determination

and desire.

Interestingly enough, this is the sole

reason why the majority of people don't

succeed online. They don't have that

"x-factor". They don't have that

relentless desire and determination.

Here is something which you should write

down, and read every time you wake up,

before you go to sleep, while you make

your cup of coffee or tea--while you do

anything, in fact.

"Whatever your success achieved, it will

be in direct proportion to the

determination and desire which you

expressed. More desire, more

determination, the greater the success!"

Here is an example to illustrate my


I'm sure we've all heard of Kobe Bryant,

right? Most people believe that it's his

excellent talent that makes him the

special NBA player he is. In saying that, his

amazing talent does play a big role in his

success. Want to know what really makes

him such an amazing player? It is his

desire and determination. Put simply, he

just wants more wins, more championships,

than anyone else on the court.

Thats how you, the new online home business owner, must learn

to think and act. You have to want your

success with your entire being. Every part

of your body, mind and soul, must be

screaming, "I want to be successful!", and

you have to make sure nothing can stop you

from being successful--nothing!

And just remember,

"Whatever your success achieved, it will

be in direct proportion to the

determination and desire which you

expressed. More desire, more

determination, the greater the success!"


3 Easy Steps To Start Your Profitable Internet Home Business

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Starting a own profitable internet home business is not as tough or technical as it sounds. Here are the guide lines to start an online business.

To Start a profitable internet home business one needs to first keep in mind a few things.They are:

1. Never invest on anything without checking the credibility of the offer.

2. Always find out all the information available about the service provider. This can be done through several ways like, posting questions in forums, ...


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Starting a own profitable internet home business is not as tough or technical as it sounds. Here are the guide lines to start an online business.

To Start a profitable internet home business one needs to first keep in mind a few things.They are:

1. Never invest on anything without checking the credibility of the offer.

2. Always find out all the information available about the service provider. This can be done through several ways like, posting questions in forums, writing mails to the support desk asking for clarifications, comparing with their competitors and trying to track existing customers of the service and getting their feedback.

3. Set a budget and never exceed that budget no matter what. There are a lot of things available for free so you don't have to burn your pocket to start your own profitable internet home business.35

Now we will list out the 3 steps to start a profitable internet home business:

1. First you need to get a domain name. This is easy, you either get one for free or a reasonable fee to be paid annually. Its better to go for paid service since they will provide support if you encounter any technical difficulties. You could also use expired domain names since they would already have been advertised. But always check and double check before you use them, there are a lot of scammers out there.

2. Next you need to get a hosting account.This is same to getting a domain name, but remember the things you need to keep in your mind while doing the investment.Get your hosting account from a service provider with good customer service and have a excellent technical support since one is likely to encounter after owning a website. Once you decide on the hosting service provider you will need to decide on a name for your website. Choose one that matches your online business and products you are going to sell and/or promote in your website. Let your the name of your website be easy to remember, unique and relevant.

3. Once the domain name and website is ready, next is the products you wish to promote on your website. U can either start promoting your own products if you have any or other people's products through affiliate programs or both. The point is your site should have an appeal for the market you have chosen and should make your visitors come to your site and checkout what you are offering.

Thats it! You have started your own profitable internet home business in just 3 easy steps. There are several internet marketers wherein they do everything for you from designing your website to guiding you through the first few crucial months and also give the much needed support and advice for your online business. All you need to do is just a little researching and looking around at the right places for the right information.


3 Simple Business Opportunities Review

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Canadian carpenter hangs up the tool belt for online business. Gives an honest review of online opportunities.


Make money at home, home business, money, rich jerk, work at home mom, internet business

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Honest Business Opportunities Review. Finally an honest way to make money online.

Tired of business opportunities that do not deliver what they promise? We have reviewed the top selling programs on the Internet today. Below you will find a link to reviews of the top 3 opportunities that actually work.

The key to making money online is knowing how and where to start.

Without the right starting point you will waste precious time and a ton of money. The following products guarantee your online success, all you have to do is read them and follow their expert advice! All programs provide a 100% money back guarantee, require little or no experience, offer a step by step guide, and use proven strategies that will make you money.

These programs are simple to use, have a small investment price, and you are able to see results usually on the first day! Now you won't make millions overnight, like some programs promise, but you will build a nice part-time income that can certainly help with the bills (everyone I know wouldn't say no to an extra $500+ bucks a month).

You might even consider using all the suggested programs and over time replace your existing income. That's what I did, and lord knows i'm no "guru", actually i am a journeyman carpenter from Canada that just wanted a nice online hobby business. I wasn't expecting great things, just some extra cash, some "FUN" money. Now these programs have really taken off, I spend more time with my family and playing in my shop. I never expected this business to explode for me!

Check out our new #1 Pick! This one is rated the #1 Opportunity for making money online.

Warm Regards,
Dwayne Armstrong


Your Home Based Business Can Be A Real Time Trap

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Many people that have work at home businesses often fall into a trap that flies directly in the face of their stated desire for time flexibility.


home based business, work at home

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By Kirk Bannerman

The reasons people express for wanting to work from home are
many and varied, but most home based business owners cite the
ability to set their own hours as a major factor in their
decision to work at home. However, many people that have work at
home businesses often fall into a trap that flies directly in the
face of their stated desire for time flexibility.

The strong growth in home based business activity continues and,
according to the Small Business Administration's Office of
Advocacy, fifty-two percent of ALL small businesses are

Some home based business owners have been known to become
"workaholics" because their office is so accessible. Don't
become a slave to your business...get out of your home office
regularly to renew and revitalize yourself.

Close the door to your office or otherwise remove yourself from
your designated "work area" and go into your "home" area to live
your personal life. If your business involves the use of the
telephone and you find it difficult to ignore a ringing
phone in the office, simply turn the ringer off and turn the
volume on the answering machine way down. If your business is
internet based, just turn off your computer (or at least get away
from the monitor and keyboard).

As a work at home business entrepreneur, you certainly aren't
required to be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week just
because your business is located in your home. After all,
your office or workspace is just an area in your home...its not
your home itself!

Working and living under the same roof has a host of advantages,
but it can present some challenges (in addition to the workaholic
syndrome mentioned, above) and stress factors.

Here are four ways to create a less stressful home business

-Remember why you wanted to become involved with a home-based
business (i.e. more time for family, work schedule flexibility,

-Have discussions with your family members and get their input
about the working arrangements and the amount of time they want
with you.

-Use good time management techniques. Keep a list of tasks by
order of importance. There are many low cost and effective "day
planners" or "organizers" readily available today.

-ALWAYS take a little time to "smell the roses".

While not experiencing the negatives common to a corporate office
working environment, the home-based business owner may
occasionally experience stresses and frustrations that are unique
to working at home.

Networking with other home-based and small business owners
provides an opportunity to connect with others who may be
experiencing the same stresses/frustrations that you are. Sharing
stressful and/or frustrating issues with someone else in the same
situation can relieve your stress and may bring you good advice
from a different point of view.

As a final note, remember to observe Home-Based Business Week
each year (it is always the week of October that includes the
second Tuesday).


Youtube And Marketing Opportunities For Home Based Internet Businesses

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More and more people are turning to online media in order to promote their home-based internet businesses. While blogging and e-zine marketing are effective forms of promotion for your business, another desirable method is to do it by way of the popular website http://www.youtube.com. One of the best things about creating a video clip on Youtube is that it is free and it is very simple to make. If you are industrious enough you can create a variety of video clips surrounding ...


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More and more people are turning to online media in order to promote their home-based internet businesses. While blogging and e-zine marketing are effective forms of promotion for your business, another desirable method is to do it by way of the popular website http://www.youtube.com. One of the best things about creating a video clip on Youtube is that it is free and it is very simple to make. If you are industrious enough you can create a variety of video clips surrounding your home-based business and you can choose to release a different version as you see fit.

Youtube is an excellent way to get information out about what your internet business has to offer in terms of products and services as the exposure you receive is tremendous. Visitors to Youtube can easily share the links of video clips with other people which means that not only will the people you contact see your video about your internet business but so will others as well. This form of networking and word of mouth is invaluable to the success of your business. Due to the fact that Youtube hosts your video you do not need to be concerned about any special software or having advanced technical skills.

Youtube offers so much more than video clips to its audience. You can set your video advertisement up however you wish. You can include whatever sort of mood music you feel is suitable as well as creative imagery and taglines. Search for royalty-free photographs and royalty-free music over the internet if you are not in possession of your own as copyright infringement is a serious offence to be found guilty of.

Make sure that your video on Youtube regarding your internet business shows savvy and creativity and do not make it too long, boring or predictable in any way. Make sure you include a tagline that will immediately grab the audience's attention and have them interested in seeing more. It is recommended that your clip be anywhere from thirty seconds to two minutes. It is not recommended that your clip exceed two minutes as if you make it too long you are very likely to bore your audience as well as to lose their attention very quickly. Online people like things that are short and get to the point very quickly.

When you create your video clip on Youtube make sure not to use PowerPoint and it is not advisable to set it up as an interview of yourself in regards to your home-based business. That shows no incentive or originality on your part. Think outside the box! Always make sure that the web address for your business is clearly visible in the video clip as well.




3 Easy, Money-Making Internet Business Models

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A short review of the threee most profitable online business models.


Internet business, online business

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Copyright © 2006 Gobala Krishnan

Amid all the noise and hype on the Internet today, not many people realize that all the ideas and techniques you can find are petty much useless if you don't first understand your business model. In other words, even the most amazing Internet marketing technique will not work if you don't understand how to apply it to YOUR business.

The 3 most popular business models are:

1) Affiliate Marketing

This is perhaps the most popular one out there, since there are absolutely no barriers to entry. Almost anyone can sign-up for an affiliate program for free and start promoting the product or service on the Internet with hopes that someone will buy, giving them instant commissions. Affiliate marketers don't carry any risk, since they do not pay for the creation of the product, they do not handle customer service and they do not need any up-front investments.

When you consider that those are the top three things people want to avoid, it's no surprise that almost everyone and their neighbor promotes an affiliate program or another. In fact, if there is a single reason why the Internet today is so proliferated with ads and banners, it's because of affiliate programs.

Even though there are so many affiliate marketers out there, only 5% ever make any money and only 1% makes big money. The "Super Affiliates" do it very differently from all the other millions; therefore they earn the big checks.

2) E-book and Information Publishing

Sitting at the other end of the spectrum, e-book authors need to be more disciplined in their approach to Internet marketing. Of course, they also need to invest more than affiliates do. While affiliates can get away trying to "get something for nothing" the same is not true for the e-book type of business.

If you're thinking about publishing and selling your own e-book online, and you think it's going to be easy, think again. You'll need to learn a lot more than affiliates are required to. You'll need to spend some amount of money getting your business up and running. However, when you do it right, the payoff in this online business model is much more rewarding.

The reason why e-book marketers and "Infopreneurs" make more money is simple; they have very, very low production and maintenance costs. Anything digital doesn't cost a single cent to be produced in millions if necessary. Whatever initial start-up costs spent can be covered by selling just a few copies of high-margin e-books, and you can even recruit an army of affiliates who are more than willing to do all the selling for you.

Of course, it's not as easy as it sounds, but the point is, when done properly, the "E-book Publishing" model is a truly profitable business.

3) Internet Based Network Marketing

I've heard many people say that the Internet and network marketing are a match made in heaven. In my opinion, though, almost 90% of people get it wrong when it comes to Internet based network marketing. People in this business usually think they're talking about network marketing, but in reality they are talking about affiliate marketing.

They try to make the Internet do all the work. They hide behind their computers and pretend everything's going great. They focus on selling more and more every month. They have systems that are so complicated only they can understand it. Well, that doesn't sound like network marketing to me!

Internet based network marketing is simple if you understand it, and are willing to put in the effort. The role of the Internet here is only to get you the names and contact details of people you can talk to, after which YOU, not a computer, has to build a relationship with these people and help them to start their own business.

For this simple purpose, it is not necessary for you to have a high-tech system and pretend that your auto responder is building relationships for you. It's not going to work. The key is to have simple systems that are duplicable, something you can teach to all those people you have built a relationship with.

E-book authors, no matter what they say, have no obligation to teach you their "Secret Strategies to Become a Millionaire” of any variations to that. The reason is simple; why tell you the absolute truth when you'll end up as their competitor? No one wants more competitors, right?

Internet based network marketing is very much the opposite of that. You HAVE to tell people EVERYTHING you know or your business will never take off. For this reason alone, I always recommend that if you're new to the online world, you need to first join an Internet based network marketing business at least to learn. Rest assured, no one will be selling you half-baked truths when their success ultimately depends on yours.

No matter which model you choose, make sure you understand the basics, and stop listening to and buying things that are not applicable to your business. Information overload can stop you before you even get started.
