Business Plan Articles

Cash flow is both vital to a company and hard to follow and normal business plan includes a standard set of elements, as shown below. Plan formats and outlines vary, but generally a plan will include components such as descriptions of the company, product or service, market, forecasts, management team, and financial analysis.
Your plan will depend on your specific situation. For example, description of the management team is very important for investors while financial history is most important for banks. However, if you’re developing a plan for internal use only, you may not need to include all the background details that you already know. Make your plan match its purpose.
 Cash is usually misunderstood as profits, and they are different. Profits don’t guarantee cash in the bank. Lots of profitable companies go under because of cash flow problems. It just isn’t intuitive.
Implementation details are what make things happen. Your brilliant strategies and beautifully formatted planning documents are just theory unless you assign responsibilities, with dates and budgets, follow up with those responsible, and track results. Business plans are really about getting results and improving your company.
Can you suggest a standard outline? 
If you have the main components, the order doesn’t matter that much, but here’s the outline order we suggest in Business Plan Pro and LivePlan software:

Executive Summary: Write this last. It’s just a page or two of highlights.
Company Description: Legal establishment, history, start-up plans, etc.
Product or Service: Describe what you’re selling. Focus on customer benefits.
Market Analysis: You need to know your market, customer needs, where they are, how to reach them, etc.
Strategy and Implementation: Be specific. Include management responsibilities with dates and budget.
Management Team: Include backgrounds of key members of the team, personnel strategy, and details.
Financial Plan: Include profit and loss, cash flow, balance sheet, break-even analysis, assumptions, business ratios, etc.
View an expanded business plan outline

We don’t recommend developing the plan in the same order you present it as a finished document. For example, although the Executive Summary comes as the first section of a business plan, we recommend writing it after everything else is done.
This free fill-in-the-blanks business plan template follows the format that is preferred by the SBA and lenders and can be a useful guide when writing your plan.
As mentioned before, reviewing a standard business plan outline can also be a good starting point.
If you are looking for additional help, a tool like LivePlan or Business Plan Pro is a good option.
If you are approaching a banker for a loan for a startup business, your loan officer may suggest a Small Business Administration (SBA) loan, which will require a business plan. If you have an existing business and are approaching a bank for capital to expand the business, they often will not require a business plan, but they may look more favorably on your application if you have one.
A business plan should prove that your business will generate enough revenue to cover your expenses, but a business plan may vary depending on your audience. If you are writing a plan for your colleagues and partners to expand an existing business, then the focus of that plan may be more operational than financial. If you are writing a plan for a bank, the most important aspect to the bank manager will be your financials. Are your assumptions realistic? Will the cash flow be enough that you can make the monthly payments for the loan you have requested? If your business is making $1,000 a month and your payments are $1,200 a month, the bank is likely to turn you away.
If you are writing a plan for a venture capitalist, the most important factor in a decision to invest in a company is the quality of the people.
Your business plan is like your calling card; it will get you in the door where you’ll have to convince investors and loan officers that you can put your plan into action. You want your calling card to look impressive, so make sure your business plan is printed out on good quality paper, you have checked the spelling and grammar, and that your numbers add up. Anyone who sees errors while reading your plan will wonder whether you are going to make similar errors in running your business.
A great business plan is the best way to show bankers, venture capitalists, and other investors that you are worthy of financial support. Make sure that your plan is clear, focused and realistic. Then show them that you have the tools, talent and team to make it happen.
You need a business plan if you’re running a business.
A business plan is like a map and a compass for a business. Without it you’re traveling blind. With a plan you set objectives, establish priorities, and provide for cash flow.
You need a business plan if you’re applying for a business loan.
Most banks require it, and even those that don’t strictly require it expect it. They expect it to be a summary of the business, with some predictable key points.
The plan won’t get you the investment, but not having a plan will mean you won’t get investment. Investors require a business plan. They invest in the people, the idea, the track records, the market, the technology, and other factors; but they look to the business plan to define and explain the business.
You need a business plan if you’re working with partners.The business plan defines agreements between partners about what’s going to happen.You need a business plan to communicate with a management team.
The day-to-day business routine is distracting, problems come up, opportunities appear, and commitments should be followed and tracked. How do you know where you are in business without establishing where you started and where you intended to go? How can people commit to a plan they can’t see?You need a business plan to sell a business, or to set a value on a business for tax or other purposes such as estate planning, or divorce.
The classic uses are seeking investment or applying for a loan. There are also the obvious communication with employees, partners, family members, consultants. And there is valuation, sometimes for tax purposes, sometimes for growth, divorce, estates.

Too many people think of business plans as something you do to start a company, apply for a loan, or find investors. Yes, they are vital for those purposes, but there’s a lot more to it. Preparing a business plan is an organized, logical way to look at all of the important aspects of a business. First, decide what you will use the plan for, such as to:

  • Define and fix objectives, and programs to achieve those objectives.
  • Create regular business review and course correction.
  • Define a new business.
  • Support a loan application.
  • Define agreements between partners.
  • Set a value on a business for sale or legal purposes.
  • Evaluate a new product line, promotion, or expansion.

Sadly, many of the people who need a plan don’t know they need it. They get trapped by the myths of business planning. They don’t realize that plans are not just for start-ups, loans, or investment. They don’t realize that business plans are easier to develop than most people think. To succeed in business you simply must plan the steps, set priorities, allocate resources, and manage the cash. Sure, some people say they don’t plan, but if they’re successful then they’re actually always planning in their heads. And you can keep that plan in your head if your business is very simple, cash flow is always adequate, you don’t work with other people, and you don’t need to communicate your business plan with other people either.

Don’t accept disadvantages in business. Don’t try to run without a plan. Doing a plan is probably much easier than you think, and much more valuable.
Business plans are also called strategic plans, investment plans, expansion plans, operational plans, annual plans, internal plans, growth plans, product plans, feasibility plans, and many other names. These are all business plans.

In all these different varieties of business plan, the plan matches your specific situation. For example, if you’re developing a plan for internal use only, not for sending out to banks or investors, you may not need to include all the background details that you already know. Description of the management team is very important for investors, while financial history is most important for banks.

Some of these specific case differences lead to different types of plans:

The most standard business plan is a start-up plan, which defines the steps for a new business. It covers standard topics including the company, product or service, market, forecasts, strategy, implementation milestones, management team, and financial analysis. The financial analysis includes projected sales, profit and loss, balance sheet, cash flow, and probably a few other tables. The plan starts with an executive summary and ends with appendices showing monthly projections for the first year.
Internal plans are not intended for outside investors, banks, or other third parties. They might not include detailed description of company or management team. They may or may not include detailed financial projections that become forecasts and budgets. They may cover main points as bullet points in slides (such as PowerPoint slides) rather than detailed texts.
An operations plan is normally an internal plan, and it might also be called an internal plan or an annual plan. It would normally be more detailed on specific implementation milestones, dates, deadlines, and responsibilities of teams and managers.
A strategic plan is usually also an internal plan, but it focuses more on high-level options and setting main priorities than on the detailed dates and specific responsibilities. Like most internal plans, it wouldn’t include descriptions of the company or the management team. It might also leave out some of the detailed financial projections. It might be more bullet points and slides than text.
A growth plan or expansion plan or new product plan will sometimes focus on a specific area of business, or a subset of the business. These plans could be internal plans or not, depending on whether or not they are being linked to loan applications or new investment. For example, an expansion plan requiring new investment would include full company descriptions and background on the management team, as much as a start-up plan for investors. Loan applications will require this much detail as well. However, an internal plan, used to set the steps for growth or expansion funded internally, might skip these descriptions. It might not include detailed financial projections for the whole company, but it should at least include detailed forecasts of sales and expenses for the new venture.
A feasibility plan is a very simple start-up plan that includes a summary, mission statement, keys to success, basic market analysis, and preliminary analysis of costs, pricing, and probable expenses. This kind of plan is good for deciding whether or not to proceed with a plan, to tell if there is a business worth pursuing.

presentation of a business plan in 30 minutes

Make a presentation of a business plan in 30 minutes is like trying to drink someone from a fire starts. Must obviously decrease the flow and keep the most part, without losing strategy. A real analysis of his own forcible project.
Here is a manual step by step to make your presentation in 5 minutes. 7 slides, about 40 seconds per acetates and hid behind it, your fire lance is to tell your complete business plan.
A rule before you start: acetates airy and almost empty. Your presentation is a support, your audience is there to hear you tell a story, not to read on the screen.
Let me give you an example from my presentation last Friday. Breath is the fictitious company that my team and I have created.
Acetate 1 - tell a story, 3 points to remember
Content of the acetate: Company name and "tag line". If relevant, the mission of your business. A picture to introduce the story you'll tell. Three specific points you want to be retained by your audience.
"Breathe. We test. You serve and protect. "Photo of Candy Lightner founded MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving)Breatha wants to make the world's roads safer.New laws (eg in Canada: CN2) have created a new market for drug testing and alcohol directly on the road.Breatha will be the market leader to two years with the first hand-held tester, simple and accurate for detecting drugs and alcohol directly on the road.Your speech: You tell a story that features your target customer or personifies the problem that you set. You explain that you want your audience to retain three things.
eg In 1980, Candy Lightner lost his 13 year old daughter Carrie in a road accident involving a drunk driver. 7 years later, she founded MADD. Now, organizations like MADD are very active and have created new regulations that allow police officers in North America and Europe to test people directly on the side of the road without compromising their freedom. We want you to remember three things today: Breathe wants to make our roads safer, a new market has been created for testing drugs and alcohol on the road and Breatha dominate the market within 2 years.
Acetate 2 - Target customers and market
Content: Target Audience (an image), and market size (in a simple graphical pie is perfect), the names of your top 10 future customers, a phrase that describes how to make the decision to purchase.
Photo of the chief of police of the Sûreté du Québec. A graph representing the number of police car in the target countries (US, Canada, Australia and France). The names of the three Chiefs of Police of Quebec, Montreal and Laval and 7 counts of "County Police" in the United States.
Your speech: You are proof that you know intimately the profile of your target customers and your market is a real one. A market is at least $ 250 million. A market that is not 0.05% of $ 10 billion. It means nothing.
ex: The Chiefs of Police County Police in the United States are elected every 4 years. Like their Canadian counterparts, they are usually men in their fifties, who practiced team sports and many who are willing to protect their officers. Their performance is evaluated on the improvement of safety on their territory and the lower rate of criminalité.Nous have identified the 10 prospects who are what might be called "early adopters" that is to say that if they are open and usually the first to want to try new technologies. Our global market is 00 to 253 police cars. We will start with North America, where 150,000 cars we provide a test average of 450 per car per year. So we have before us for years 1 and 2 a $ 325M market. For purchases under $ 50 000 police chiefs are decision makers. Higher than that, he must go to City Council.
Ethyl 3 - your solution
ATTENTION, here there is the trap of technology. Do not enter in detail how your technology. It's great that your laser is to a femto-seconds, your detection of biomarkers to proceed through this graph wonderful but completely incomprehensible - except by you and your engineers - or that your new system integration of applications used to dig the data on a SQL database and make (insert a bunch of acronyms incomprehensible to the average bear).
By the way, the vast majority of investors do not follow you when you talk like that. And it's not up to them to get to your level, the reverse is true. And no jargon please! A person must be 16 years of age can understand.
Content: Your solution. Your unique selling proposition. (Bad translation of Unique Selling Prop.)
A picture of the portable test unit.A very simple graph that shows the detection of cocaine in the metabolism of someone.Two columns, one BEFORE Breath - $ 200 per test and up to 10 days pending the results and AFTER Breath - $ 5 per test and results in 10 minutesYour speech: You explain in clear words your product. You provide proof that you simplify life in a major way to your target customers. You show the numerical value of your product to the customer. (Eg 50% less in 1 / 4 time)
Ex: Here SALI (Laser Infrared Sample Analysis), our test device simple, portable, accurate and non-intrusive. It detects up to 22 kinds of drugs and more alcohol in the breath of the suspect. SALI before, it cost the police $ 200 or more for each test laboratory fees, time officers, travel to bring the suspect to the central charge nurse for the blood test. Now, they simply place the tip of the plastic design patented, disposable, sterile paid $ 5 on SALI and take the test directly on the road. They get the result within 10 minutes.
Acetate 4 - Why now?
Content: Why now? 3 points clear and simple as to why it is now that your product must be in the market. There must be a big trend undeniable, a new law or an unfair advantage in your favor that makes your business is doomed to success.
3 points form
The new laws now allow officers to test people directly on the road.In addition to the ravages of drink-driving, over 30% of drivers involved in crashes his intoxicated by drugs, particularly crystal-meth in North America.Breath is the only company that has developed a portable, patented, simple and accurate to perform these tests on the road.Your speech: you briefly explain the three points.
Slide 5 - Finance
Content: You need the famous graphic "in hockey stick" - true - which shows an exponential curve of your sales but also your "cash flow". Below, a timeline with three or four steps defined. Of course, behind all this there is a real pro-forma financial projections of 3 to 5 years. You want to be profitable as soon as possible but in a reasonable and justified. Recurring revenues of many "consumable" is a very big plus. In the example of Breath, and sterile disposable tips used in each test accounted for the majority of our revenues. It talks a lot to investors, ca. I will not dwell more on the subject; It could be a full article. Go see someone who knows, it's money well spent, believe me.
Your speech: Now you brought with you your personal finances. Thank you to my new Scottish friend David Oxley, which saved us the ridiculous last Friday. Of course, you present yourself briefly your finances but your ally is prepared to answer tough questions after the presentation. Ah yes, a tip: never give the cost of your product. Speak rather of profit margin.
Acetate 6 - Why?
Content: Why us? Here you have your "dream team", who are already part of your team and those you plan to hire soon. Fund managers invest in people, not projects. Never forget that. Also, do not put your team on a vice-president. A company of 5 people with 4 vp, it makes no great consequence.
Isabelle Genest, CEO - third company in bio-medDr. Garth Sutherland, CTO - PhD and founderPierre Dupuis, Sales - former Chief of Police of LavalFuture hires marketing, sales and technical support.Contract: David Oxley, from Oxley & Oxley - finance - CMA, 17 years of experience
Slide 7 - Return on 3 points and REQUESTS!
It's time to show how you know what you do and it is you who lead the dance. You give your 3 points from the beginning. You add the request of your funding.
2 tips here. First, it is difficult and is much work to finance your business for $ 500 000 for $ 2M. Second, do not immediately suggest the percentage of equity acetate. (I know there are some who will not agree with me here)
I must clarify that States and Europe, investors are rather used to hearing "we offer 200 shares of the company from $ 100 for a 42% equity." In a presentation of 5 minutes, I tend to not make any promises to investors much smaller, and often institutional. Open the discussion.
Remember what we wanted you to remember? These three important points:
Breatha wants to make our roads saferThe new laws have created a new market for drug and alcohol tests directly on the roadBreatha dominate the market within 2 yearsWe ask you to invest $ 2.5M to enable us to achieve our hiring plan and marketing and to finalize our European patent. Are you interested?
You have completed your PowerPoint, you have your financial projections and you are more motivated and ready that Earl Jones before the savings account of a family friend?
Sorry, work has just begun. You must practice over and over again to reach forward without screw up and pronouncing your last word after exactly 5 minutes.

Business Plan Help & Small Business

Your website has been a great push to my awareness on self employement and my business success 

Businesses {plan} spend money before they ever open their doors. Start-up expenses are those expenses incurred before the business is running. Many people underestimate start-up costs and start their business in a haphazard, unplanned way. This can work… but is usually a harder way to do it. Customers are wary of brand new businesses with makeshift logistics.

Use a start-up worksheet to plan your initial financing. You’ll need this information to set up initial business balances and to estimate startup expenses. Don’t underestimate costs.

Startup expenses. These are expenses that happen before the beginning of the plan, before the first month. For example, many new companies incur expenses for legal work, logo design, brochures, site selection and improvements, and other expenses.
Start-up assets. Typical start-up assets are cash (the money in the bank when the company starts), and in many cases starting inventory. Other starting assets are both current and long-term, such as equipment, office furniture, machinery, etc.
Start-up financing. This includes both capital investment and loans. The only investment amounts or loan amounts that belong in the Start-up table are those that happen before the beginning of the plan. Whatever happens during or after the first month should go instead into the Cash Flow table, which will automatically adjust the Balance Sheet.
Timing is everything
Some people are confused by the specific definition of start-up expenses, start-up assets, and start-up financing. They would prefer to have a broader, more generic definition that includes, say, expenses incurred during the first year, or the first few months, of the plan. Unfortunately this would also lead to double counting of expenses and non standard financial statements. All the expenses incurred during the first year have to appear in the Profit and Loss statement of the first year, and all expenses incurred before that have to appear as start-up expenses.

Don’t count expenses twice: they go in Start-up or Profit and Loss, but not both. The only difference is timing. Don’t buy assets twice: they go into the Start-up if you acquire them before the starting date. Otherwise, put them in the Profit and Loss.

Expenses vs. assets
Many people can be confused by the accounting distinction between expenses and assets. For example, they’d like to record research and development as assets instead of expenses, because those expenses create intellectual property. However, standard accounting and taxation law are both strict on the distinction:

Expenses are deductible against income, so they reduce taxable income.
Assets are not deductible against income.

What a company spends to acquire assets is not deductible against income. For example, money spent on inventory is not deductible as expense. Only when the inventory is sold, and therefore becomes cost of goods sold or cost of sales, does it reduce income.

Generally companies want to maximize deductions against income as expenses, not assets, because this minimizes the tax burden. With that in mind, seasoned business owners and accountants will always want to account for money spent on development as expenses, not assets. This is generally much better than accounting for this expenditure as buying assets, such as patents or product rights. Assets look better on the books than expenses, but there is rarely any clear and obvious correlation between money spent on research and development and market value of intellectual property. Companies that account for development as generating assets can often end up with vastly overstated assets, and questionable financials statements.

Another common misconception involves expensed equipment. The U.S. Internal Revenue Service allows a limited amount of office equipment purchases to be called expenses, not purchase of assets. You should check with your accountant to find out the current limits of this rule. As a result, expensed equipment is taking advantage of the allowance. After your company has used up the allowance, then additional purchases have to go into assets, not expenses. This treatment also indicates the general preference for expenses over assets, when you have a choice.

Why you don’t want to capitalize expenses
Sometimes people want to treat expenses as assets. Ironically, that’s usually a bad idea, for several reasons:

Money spent buying assets isn’t tax deductible. Money spent on expenses is deductible.
Capitalizing expenses creates the danger of overstating assets.
If you capitalized the expense, it appears on your books as an asset. Having useless assets on the accounting books is not a good thing.
Types of start-up financing

Investment is you or someone else puts in the company. It ends up as Paid-in Capital in the Balance Sheet. This is the classic concept of business investment, taking ownership in a company, risking money in the hope of gaining money later.
Accounts payable are debts that will end up as Accounts Payable in the Balance Sheet. Generally this means credit-card debt. This number becomes the starting balance of your Balance Sheet.
Current borrowing is standard debt, borrowing from banks, Small Business Administration, or other current borrowing.
Other current liabilities are additional liabilities that don’t have interest charges. This is where you put loans from founders, family members, or friends. We aren’t recommending interest-free loans for financing, by the way, but when they happen, this is where they go.
Long-term liabilities are long-term debt, long-term loans.

Expect a Loss at Start-up
The loss at start-up is very common…at this point in the life of the company, you’ve already incurred tax-deductible expenses, but you don’t have sales yet. So you have a loss. Don’t be surprised; it’s normal.

Cash Balance on Starting Date
Cash requirements is an estimate of how much money your start-up company needs to have in its checking account when it starts. In general, your Cash Balance on Starting Date is the money you raised as investments or loans minus the cash you spend on expenses and assets. As you build your plan, watch your cash flow projections. If your cash balance drops below zero then you need to increase your financing or reduce expenses. Many entrepreneurs decide they want to raise more cash than they need so they’ll have money left over for contingencies.

However, although that makes good sense when you can do it, it is hard to explain that to investors. The outside investors don’t want to give you more money than you need, for obvious reasons—its their money!

trucking business plan

Plan Business offers you easy to use well written business plan template in the most popular word processor format, a fully automated close-to-reality financial projection application in MS Excel, a presentation template, and a business plan guide. The Advanced Edition includes more state-of-the-art analysis as well as a Web marketing guide.
The following are extracts from the trucking business plan you will receive. Trucking company starting with 1 to 10 trucks and trailers. The plan may be modified with your information submitted to apply for government grants and funds.
Use the sample to create a plan that reflects your vision for the future. Integrate your personal information and research findings in your plan, the addition of information in each category to express your business plan goals and objectives. The following categories should be described in detail and information specific to your business should be added:
Step 1: Your business plan trucking
List your major competitors with the names and addresses. Area you plan to use? What products and companies will compete with your business.
Competition: Will they compete with you across the board, or just for certain products. Will you have important indirect competitors? How is your company, products and services compare with the competition? What distinguishes your company from the competition?This detailed analysis of your competitors will give you a clear picture of how your plan will fit in the truck market and allow you to make adjustments accordingly.
Financial Projections: mismanagement: Several common errors will limit the effectiveness of the section of the management team of your business plan, leading to a rejection by lenders or investors. Your financial projections will be scrutinized by people who read your business plan trucking, therefore, it is important that you provide accurate and truthful and that your financial projections realistic. We have included examples of financial plans based on years of experience with a piece of the sample, which will help you create your own realistic financial projections based on your personal situation.
We recommend using a spreadsheet to create your own financial projections. The financial statements and projections must follow generally accepted accounting standards and must include the balance sheets properly prepared. If you think this task is beyond your expertise, you can seek the assistance of a good accountant who is willing to prepare financial projections for a reasonable, on the basis of plan information you provide trucking.
Show your professionalism by avoiding the following traps:
Put friends and family members not qualified to key management positions
Present a management one-man team
Assuming that previous success in another field will guarantee the success of your business plan trucking
A failure to obtain competent advice of counsel
Hiring managers high undivided ownership
Your business plan to establish your trucking business startup is almost complete. You've done the research and you've followed the instructions to create your personalized plan of trucking. You read and considered and that you are proud of your success but your work is not over yet. Set the plan aside for a few days and then review again the critical perspective of a banker or investor. Ask yourself if the information makes sense-wise, the information is presented in a professional language, and your plan to make a good impression. If you are not completely satisfied with the results and implement new ideas for a business plan trucking, and make the appropriate changes.
William Wellsworth invites entrepreneurs to find trucking practical methods for developing a business plan trucking, for more information

The business plan


The business plan is written both for internal use for management or planning as to communicate to the outside and convince banks to provide financing or venture capital to invest in the company.
A business plan is often designed at the time of starting a business, or the establishmentof a phase of major developments and will be the basic tool to search for funding. It alsobetter investigated a project throughout its design, to assess its feasibility and follow its evolution. The formalization process through which the entrepreneur is much more important than the business plan itself. This allows to develop a better understanding of the activities and strategies. The importance of the business plan is controversial and many believe that the document itself has little value, while business plans are deemed to become rapidly obsolete.
Business plans Anglo-Saxon differ from their French counterparts on several points of organization but also on the exposure risk there is more detailed and why they are accepted. The activity is a trade-off between risks and returns whose elements should clearly appear in the plan. In Latin culture the financial ambitions may be less accurate andconsequently the risks that meet these financial goals are less accurate.
The business plan is the document of the entrepreneur. Any project needs to developfinancial forecasts, market research, presentation of the team.
This business plan is your gateway to obtain financing from banks. He will also be for yourfuture meetings with the various stakeholders which will mark the progress of yourbusiness plan.
We have identified for you various templates and sample business plans free to help youin this task.
Select the business plan product that is best suited for your business or aspirations. Save yourself from the endless do-it-yourself calculations necessary with all other generic business plan programs. Use the business specific pre-written business plans to save you even more time writing your business plan without having to invent everything from scratch. In minutes you can be optimizing your business plan, and creating your financials. Enter sales estimates, personnel, loans and investments, and view your income statement, cash flow and balance sheet come alive.
You don't need any specific business expertise to use our business plan products, you learn as you go with the extensive business plan guide. Each of our programs covers all aspects of the business plan process, completing the written plan, forecasting close-to-reality financial results with feasibility checking, as well as preparing your presentation.
But, there's more! Only the PlanMagic products offer you the possibility to monitor your business by replacing planned data with real data to see how reality changes the outcome and to take action.
so welcom......

Getting Around Town

Getting around town can sometimes be a hassle, especially if you don't know where you are going. Chelmsford isn't a small place so if you want to get about one of the easiest way to do this is to hop in a taxi and let a competent driver take you where you need to go.

The great thing about Chelmsford taxis is that they can take you where you need to go, whether that is just into town or somewhere further afield just as Heathrow Airport if you are jetting away somewhere hot and sunny.

Another great thing about Chelmsford taxis is that they operate 24hours a day. This means that if you are looking for a way to get home after a night out in one of the many nightclubs in the town you can rely on them to get you home safely and soundly, no matter how late it is that you stumble out of the nightclub to make your way home.
If you are wanting to do your weekly shop without the hassle of getting your bags home on the bus Chelmsford taxis are also in a great position to help you with this. Say for example you want to visit the Asda superstore in Chelmer Village you can rely on them to help you home with your shopping without any hassle at all.

If any of this sounds like something that you would like to take advantage of then why not do a little research into the companies that can help you with this? The best and easiest way to do this is to look online for companies that operate a taxi service in the local area.

The easiest way to do this is to use a search engine such as Google to your advantage. A quick search on any search engine for something as simple as "Chelmsford taxis" should be enough to point you in the direction of companies that can help, as well as their website and any contact details you need to get in touch with them and book your journey with ease.