Work At Home - A Home Business Vs A Work-At-Home Job

The at-home work force is increasing exponentially every year. As more and more people begin working from home, the lines and definitions between jobs and a business are beginning to get blurred. But, there is a difference between a home business and a work-at-home job. Keep reading for a clear outline of these basic distinctions.

Basically, a home based business is any business where the primary office is located in someone's home - usually the owner's. In fact, most companies start out this way - from simple tinkering in the garage to typing away in the spare room. From Microsoft to Ben & Jerry's, many successful business got their start the home-based way. If you are planning on launching your own home business and being your own boss, make sure that it's legal. While most zoning laws won't crack down on a basic home office, they will lay down the law when it comes to a noisy auto repair business, illegal daycare or opening a store-front on your lawn.

Once your home-based business begins to earn income, you will need to begin thinking about registering your business, filing business taxes, and essentially running your home-based business in a legal and professional manner.

Meanwhile, a work-at-home job is a little different. Unlike a business where you manage yourself, in an at-home job you are responsible to a supervisor. Whether you do legal transcription, bookkeeping, fund raising, customer service, programming, or web design - if you are working solely for an outside business, a business with offices outside of your home, then you are working an at-home job. A work-at-home job may allow you to direct your hours and workspace, but the essential control and direction of the business will be out of your hands and that is the primary difference between a home business and a work-at-home job.

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