Home-Based Business – Avoiding The Ice Storm

Steve is a radio engineer. When the station goes off the air Steve is called out to fix the problem. One of the radio transmitters Steve works on has a tower that is 1,000 feet tall and he’s been known to work in any kind of weather condition to keep his station on the air.

This brave engineer is used to crawling on top of grain bins to work on smaller antennas and he is used to being called out in the middle of the night.

Steve’s co-worker, Mike has helped Steve from time to time and he recalls one chilly morning following a rather intense ice storm, “Steve and I headed out to the transmitter site. When we got there I thought the trip over the icy roads had been a waste of our time. The sun had come out and large pieces of ice were breaking away from the tower and striking the ground. The sound was eerie. I’ll never forget Steve telling me to keep an eye on the ice and holler if one was falling toward him.”

Mike describes some of the ice chunks as being about the size of a refrigerator. Mike watched spellbound as Steve simply walked up the building with ice falling all around him, worked on the transmitter to get the radio station back on the air, and then walk out through falling ice without ever looking up – and without ever getting hit.

Some might call Steve’s actions insane, but in some sense Steve responded to a problem in the same way many home-based business owners do; identify the problem and then do whatever it takes to fix the problem in spite of the risks that may be involved.

It is a fallacy to believe that there are no risks in home-based businesses. If risk bothers you then you might avoid developing your own business. There are no guarantees in life and certainly none in the ownership of your own business. Coincidentally you will not even find a guarantee in accepting a job as an employee of a large firm.

Hopefully the risk involved in your home-based business is financial and not physical, but the picture of Steve walking through falling ice is a powerful reminder that there are risks involved in whatever we do and we have to be aware of the risks and be willing to fight for what we believe in – to work for what we want to achieve.

It takes a special type of individual to see the challenge and possibility in home-based business and determine the risk is worth the ultimate reward and the sacrifice is worth the potential satisfaction.

The key role in any home-based business is to pay attention to the one step in front of you without either spending too much time looking back or concentrating too much on what may be ahead. If you can learn to take problems one at a time, and in order, the process may not seem as daunting as you go through it.

So the next time you have something difficult to work through in your business, think of Steve. Comparatively speaking your problems should never be quite as bad.

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