Communicate With Full Color Business Cards

To get attention, you have to be different from all the rest. Just imagine this: so many business cards strewn all over your target client’s table and even the floor. And all of them have one thing in common- almost all the business cards are in black and white. Except for 2 or 3 business cards. These few business cards are printed with a smattering of color. Which do you think would be able to catch your target client’s attention?

It is a well known fact that color makes anything look better, especially if you use it in your marketing medium. Astute business owners know the power that color can provide your promotional tools. Rather than the standard black and white in your business cards, full color business cards look better and yes, even smarter. It draws your target client’s interest and helps them become aware of you and your business.

Full color business cards even ensure that your information will be read and better understood by your target audience.

In addition, color gives your business card printing pieces the chance of getting recognized and remembered even after your initial meeting.

And these are not just creations of an overactive mind of a graphic artist trying to sell you to the idea of using full color business cards for your marketing tools. Studies actually show that people in general are twice as likely to be attracted to colored materials rather than the regular black and white. In fact, research proves that those who use color in their materials, such as business cards, tend to portray a more professional, more prepared, and more enthusiastic identity than those who deliver monochromatic ones. Hence, color almost always can persuade a target reader to become a potential buyer.

Nevertheless, as with any printing projects, full color business card printing also needs proper application and restraint on your part when you decide to use color. As always, having too many is simply too much for your target audience to take in. In fact, too much color tends to annoy your target clients, as well as distract them from what is really important – your message. Always remember that color is a tool to help you convey your message to your target audience clearly and concisely; and in turn help them to better understand what you want to say to them.

So keep everything at a minimum. Don’t get excited and go overboard with the use of color in your business cards. Practicing simplicity in your full color business cards can often lead to a more successful project than anything done with over zealous designs and layouts.

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