Can You Succeed Your Home Business With Doing Bare To Nothing?

Many times you read headers that say something like: ¡°earn huge incomes from working a few hours a week¡±. Would that really be possible? Probably more often the answer is no instead of yes. Why is that?

The answer to this question is rather simple. Just think in basic economics. Economics say that in an open economy, and the Home Business is just that, businesses that are very lucrative will sooner or later attract competition. Why is that? Because businesses, read people, always try to find the best deal. The best deal is the place where the earnings compared to the investment are most favourable. Thus, when many people would start doing bare to nothing but still earn large amounts of cash, this would attract many more other people. Thus, competition would increase and increasing competition means you need to do more and more, or start to work ever cleverer, to reach the same results in income. The fact that when people join a business that claim they have this magic formula and announce this to the world, you bet that many more people read it and join it. Because everybody uses that same business format, everybody is doing the same and you are creating an arena where you will need to put in more efforts than the average to make it work. You just created a market where there is suddenly a lot of supply of the same thing. However, there are for sure people out there that can claim they do not need to do too much and still make a decent living. This has to do with the supply and demand equation. The demand is still higher than the supply. This balance will eventually shift.

If you are still not convinced, just think of it in another way. Your income needs to come from somewhere. In many cases it is about selling some kind of product. It doesn¡¯t matter if you are in as an affiliate, who needs to recruit sellers or other affiliates, or you are in as a salesman for the actual product. You will need to start moving in order to earn that income. No company will ever give you money for not bringing in any earnings.

But then you might think, I just advertise with Google Ads or with whatever, and the customers are pouring in. Of course, the power of marketing can be great. But think again. You are probably not the only one who is doing advertising. That means you must be very good or do a lot of advertising, which by itself can be expensive, to bring in the customers. Either way, you will need to invest in it, whether it is in time or money.

Still, it can be very rewarding to have your Home Business. But if you start with the expectation of having an easy ride, you might have a rude awakening.

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