A Website Is Good Business For Your Business

"Online search is the primary tool most people rely on to do everyday research." Ken Cassar, Senior Director of Analytics, Nielsen/NetRatings.

The world is busy searching online. According to Nielsen/NetRatings, online searches grew to 5.1 billion in the month of December 2005; that's an increase of 55% over the previous December. Millions of Internet users are online each day and growing at an annual rate of 18%. When a customer comes to your door, chances are he has already been to your website or attempted to find you online.

Entrepreneur.com, in an article dated September 19, 2005 by Roy Williams, estimates a "simple website" budget to be $2,000.00 to $5,000.00 for design and development and $100.00 to $400.00 for "monthly maintenance and updates." What was the cost of your latest brochure, manpower and mailing costs, not to mention print ads? For "more complicated features" Williams estimates "$12,000.00 to $20,000.00 for construction and $500.00 to $2,000.00 for monthly maintenance and updates."

What is your vision for your company's future? A well designed website will communicate and magnify your vision to a global audience. Whatever your strategies, with dynamic graphic design, powerful search and indexing tools, online sales capabilities, and continuing site development, a website will keep you poised on the cutting-edge of your industry.

A website offers:

• A clear view of exactly who you are, what you do and how well you do it.

• An image of a thriving company, no matter your size.

• 24 hour-a-day access to your products, services, and customer service.

• Every aspect of promotion: photos, sound, animation, video, vivid colors.

• Products or services shopped at the customer's leisure.

• Expanded product/service definitions -- breaking the bounds of print ads.

• Updated product or service information to maintain competitiveness.

• Downloadable brochures, manuals and product specifications.

• Thousands saved on traditional ads: TV, print ads, direct mail, radio.

• Reduced office staffing and postage -- inquiries are answered online.

Approximately 800,000 domain names are registered daily. Design and development of an enterprising website will energize your company as well as your employees, provide opportunities for peerless customer service and reduce operating costs.

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