
Business Websites Can Be Inexpensive.

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A website is no longer a tool only utilized by large businesses and corporations. Today, even the smaller businesses need a website in order to complete with their competitors.


web design, website, small business, business, inexpensive, cheap, low cost

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A website is no longer a tool only utilized by large businesses and corporations. Today, even the smaller businesses need a website in order to complete with their competitors.

The problem is, the majority of web designers today still do not think about the little man, aka: small businesses. Their prices and packages simply do not provide what small businesses need in order to gain a web presence. If the price is within the businesses reach, then the package is to small, or they use pre made websites that can be found over and over again on the Internet.

However, web design does not have to be expensive. Here are a few things to avoid when choosing your web designer.

A few common mistakes small business owners make:

1)Template Websites- Templates, sometimes called cookie cutter websites, are pre made designs and set ups of a website. Any number of other websites can use the every same template for their website. In the event that a potential customer has visited a website with a similar template to yours, then chances are they will either not take your business as serious, or reference your business with that website. Ask the potential designer if your website will be unique or made from a template before you do business with them.

2) Hourly Rate Design- Some web design companies offer "hourly rate web design." It has been found that many hourly designers will tell you something takes much longer to complete then it usually does. In this case, you will end up paying for hours of work when the work only actually took a few minutes, or they will hold your website hostage until you do. Look for set packages that list what you will get, no matter how much time it took to complete.

3) High Hosting Charges- Many new business owners and business owners not familiar with the Internet will let their web designer host their website for them. While there is nothing wrong with this, be cautious of the amount you will be paying month for their hosting. Small businesses that only require small website should not pay over $3-$7 a month for hosting. Larger businesses or businesses with large or dynamic websites should never pay over $10-$15 a month. On the other hand, you may find a design company offering free hosting as an introductory offer. If this is true, be sure to ask how much you will be paying for hosting once the offer expires.

4) Long Completion Times- Web design is a complicated process, however, a good designer can finish a website in a rather small amount of time. Be cautious of web designers that take a long time to complete each website. This may be a sign that they may have to much on their plate. If that is the case, then chances are you will not receive the proper attention and care that is needed to make a website a success. Always ask a potential designer how long it typically takes them to finish and publish a website.

Web designers all over the world focus on small business. You just need to make sure you find one. While the large design companies may have large, impressive portfolios, chances are they will not provide the support and attention you need.

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