Rediscovering your business mojo

A healthy amount of get-up-and-go will see you through the tough times; a lack of enthusiasm is a recipe for failure.
Motivation is crucial for small businesses. A healthy amount of get-up-and-go will see you through the tough times; a lack of enthusiasm is a recipe for failure.

Fortunately, a lack of motivation is a problem that's much easier to fix than a lack of funds. Unlike money, its supply depends only on you.

Flying Solo founder Robert Gerrish says losing motivation is a problem most small-business owners grapple with during their careers.

It commonly occurs in the early stages of starting a business, once the initial buzz has worn off and the reality of running a profitable operation sets in.

"Often when people get started, there's a high degree of passion and excitement and everyone you're speaking with loves your idea," Gerrish says.

"Issues with motivation kick in a few months later when you are by yourself, the bills are coming in and you've got to go stand in line at the post office because you've run out of stamps.

"This is particularly the case for people coming from a corporate environment."

Gerrish's Flying Solo boasts 53,000 members in its micro-business community. He says keeping the business "mojo" was a regular discussion topic of the community's online forums.

There is no one-size-fits-all solution to staying motivated, Gerrish says. But he suggests ideas such as:

 Keeping a "vision board" of images that encapsulate your goals.
 A daily reward system that gives you the incentive to work harder.
 A routine, however informal, that helps your workday feel more structured.
Gerrish's top tip for those needing more drive is to find other small-business owners who can help solve problems and reignite enthusiasm.

"Be brave enough to reach out because the minute you do there will be other people to support you and share their war stories with you," Gerrish says.

"Share your experiences, your learnings and your anxieties with other people. Don't hold back."

Feeling isolated

Struggling entrepreneurs, particularly those working from home, may feel isolated.

But statistics show 61.2 per cent of Australian small businesses are managed by just one person.

According to the Federal Government's Australian Small Business December 2012 report, that's 1.3 million non-employing businesses.

Melbourne textile designer Shelley Steer launched her online shop The October Double in November after two hard years of saving, researching and creating.

"It's always been a dream to do something on my own in some shape or form," she says.

"The internet has made that possible." Steer worked full-time while saving enough cash to one day own her own business. After leaving her job she invested in shares and did the odd freelance gig to keep her savings working.

"It took me a while to figure out the direction I wanted to take, how I wanted the brand to look and getting used to working for myself," she says.

"I've found it really hard and there were days when I'd think, 'Why aren't I just working for someone else, just to take the pressure off?'.

"It's really hard to keep going back to it when you've had a setback and you've got to figure out how to fix it and progress." Steer found help from a friend who was running an online store and supportive friends and family, especially those with technical expertise.

"I'd see if I could touch base with them or go to the internet, which helps give me perspective and figure out whether I need more research, more information or just to keep troubleshooting," she says.

Steer said she kept her long-term dream alive by maintaining a work-life balance that helped push her up the steep learning curves.

"Keep some sense of balance in your life, some kind of routine like exercising, socialising and eating well, so you're in the right frame of mind to cope with things when they go wrong," she says.

"You have to keep pushing even if you can't see quite clearly where it's going, even if it means failing 20 times.

"You'll still get better each day."

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