Mate, this is serious business

Mate, this is serious business
Steve Wozniak (left) and Steve Jobs pictured in 1976. Photo: Joe Melena
Some of the world's most successful businesses were launched by two mates with a great idea. Think Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak at Apple. Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield of Ben and Jerry's and Richard Simon and Max Schuster of Simon and Schuster.

However, while working with your best friend may seem a fantastic idea, it's not all about sharing office gossip and high-fiving each other when the business hits the big time.

From my experience, the partnerships where two friends said 'We're mates, let's go into business' have struggled.

It's a lesson that Anthony Janssen, owner of Western Australia's award-winning restaurant Gnarabar, discovered recently.

Friends Jerry Greenfield (left) and Ben Cohen celebrating the 20th anniversary of their business in 1998. Photo: AP
After having worked with his mate and head chef, Ben Bishop, for several years, the pair decided to become business partners last year. However, the two disagreed over Bishop's new role in the business and several months later, Janssen severed the partnership.

“Ben still had to work in the business as head chef while being a partner, and the workload and management became a challenge for him,” Janssen says.

“My challenge was I wasn't ready to have a partner at that capacity, and I wasn't ready to coach him in the way he needed.”

Since then, the two mates have made amends. Bishop is now head chef at Janssen's second business, the White Elephant Cafe, and the pair is considering rebuilding their partnership.

Here are some tips on successfully working with your best mate in business.

1. Make sure you're going into business for the right reasons

“From my experience, the partnerships where two friends said 'We're mates, let's go into business' have struggled,” says business coach Andrew Laurie of ActionCOACH. “If the primary reason for going into business is not because you have a great idea, the chances of having common business goals and agreements are much lower.”

2. Consider your friendship before going into business

Reflect upon how the two of you have dealt with conflicts in the past, Laurie suggests. This will give you some insight into how effectively the two of you could work together in the future. “Ask yourself 'How honest have our conversations historically been? How open are we with one another?'” he says.

3. Choose a friend who has complementary skills to you

“Go into business with somebody who works differently to you,” says Fiona Gathercole, who launched The Wall Sticker Company with her best friend, Jenny Menz, in 2006. “Make sure you both have different skills and qualities so you're not both the same type of people. Don't think 'She's my best friend, I'm so similar to her, it'll work.' It probably won't work, because you'll want to do the same things within the business.”

4. Learn each other's working techniques

You may know what football team he backs and which beer he prefers, but do you know what your friend is like to work with? “Each of us has our own unique working styles," says Mark Capps, a co-founder of eyewear company Sneaking Duck. "Some of us like to be interrupted for quick 'live' decision making, others like to get the details in an email to think through before having a discussion. Of course, any approach is as good as the other, but it's about learning about how to work effectively with others.”

5. Build a partnership agreement upfront

It is critical that when a business is first launched, Laurie says, a partnership agreement is created between all parties, preferably with a lawyer. It should cover who owns what percentage of the business, each person's responsibilities and what will happen if one of you wants to leave the company.

6. Define your roles and responsibilities

The best advice Laurie could give two friends in business is to be "obsessive" about documenting each other's roles and responsibilities at the start. Who's going to be responsible for sales and marketing? Who will look after the website? Work together to write down exactly who contributes what in terms of effort, skill and time so there's little room for any clashes in the future.

7. Clarify the business goals

“One of the keys to building a successful business is to have some clarity about where you're going, what's the destination and and what are the goals,” Laurie says. “If two people are doing it together, for the business to work well, it relies on having a common goal that you're both trying to get to in the long and medium term.”

8. Trust your friend and business partner

“Early on, I think we spent too much time trying to get everyone's full buy-in on a decision, which could be slow and frustrating,” Capps recalls. “I think we have gotten much better at this and now move faster, and trust each other to do the right thing when we don't need to be involved.”

9. Separate business from friendship

When it comes to making tough choices and handling conflicts in the workplace, it is important not to let the friendship get in the way. “The business does overtake your friendship, because it becomes your major interest within the friendship,” Gathercole says. “Understand there is a separation between business and friendship, so when some things are said, take them in the context that they're said and not take it to heart.”

10. Spend time outside the business together

Make sure there's still time for you and your best mate to spend time together outside the office, where there's no talk of profits, marketing or the website. As Gathercole says: “Always know you've been friends longer than you've been in business”.

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