Got a book in you? Self-publishing could be your best bet

Got a book in you? Self-publishing could be your best bet

Release online ... ebooks are a cheap and easy way to reach a wide audience.
Although self-publishing used to be a sign a book publisher wouldn’t touch the title, it’s now considered a legitimate step in signing a deal with a mainstream publishing house.

Successfully self-publishing shows a publisher you have a ready-made audience and increasingly, authors are using canny self-publishing strategies as part of the process of signing a book deal.

A veteran self-publisher is online marketing author David Meerman Scott, who has so far shifted nearly a million paid books across eight titles.

David Meerman Scott. Photo: Jay Blakesberg
His secret was to release his first e-book, New Rules of PR, for free – and without asking people to register an email address to download the book.

“I wanted to eliminate all the barriers to downloading the book so it could spread as far as possible,” he explains. The strategy paid off: 50,000 copies were downloaded within the first month of its release.

Sales volumes and nods from popular bloggers such as Seth Godin left Scott in the enviable position of being able to approach traditional publishing houses.

Global business book publisher Wiley jumped at the chance to sign him and in 2007, it published an expanded version of the e-book, New Rules of Marketing and PR, one of the first books that explored the use of social media for marketing purposes.

The print version is now published in 25 languages from Bulgarian to Vietnamese.

One of Scott’s protégés is Summer Land, who has written an e-book, Fried Chicken for the Drunk Girl’s Soul. Like Scott, Land decided on a very clever self-publishing strategy to gain attention online before hopefully having her book released by a traditional publisher.

Before she released the first chapter he created an event on Facebook to announce the arrival of the book, with the event attracting 1,000 followers. When the book was launched more than 1,000 people downloaded it in two days.

“Within a week, I got a call from United Talent Agency in LA explaining that one of their assistants had found the book on Facebook and they loved it and wanted to meet with me,” says Land.

Land has only released four chapters of the book and says the best thing about the e-book format is the ability to tease the audience.

“My readers come back saying they want more, more, more. By giving away four stories for free, I have secured a dedicated database of people who will want to buy the rest of the book,” she says.

She chose not to publish the full manuscript to attract a deal from a major publishing house. At time of writing she was in talks to be represented by United Talent Agency.

‘Teasing’ the audience is a ploy common to many self-published authors.

Kate Edwards shopped the e-book Some Kind of Normal by first time author Eduardo Blanc around the major and most of the minor publishing houses, without success. Even though they loved the book, its racy, drug-fuelled content was deemed too risky to publish. So her business, Kontented, published online, releasing a chapter a week to an avid audience.

Edwards says after so far committing considerable funds to the project, she would question the merits of handing it over to a publisher to enjoy the spoils of her author’s hard work.

“New deals with traditional publishers are difficult to secure for untried authors. So many bookstores have closed that they just don’t have the distribution they once had and unless they know they can make an instant return on their investment they can’t put money into marketing it.

"It’s a really bad cycle, one that Kontented is trying to help authors rectify,” she says.

Melissa Macdonald is one publisher who decided that although self-publishing was her preference for her book, Breastfeeding: real mums tell you how, the book’s picture-driven content lent itself more to a hard copy rather than e-book.

The secret to Macdonald’s success – tens of thousands of the book have been sold – has been great publicity. She has appeared on shows such as the Today Show and The Circle and in women’s magazines.

“You need to have your book on shelves before you publicise it,” she says. She was also able to slash her costs by printing in China, which she says cost a third of what it would cost to publish in Australia.

“If you print offshore you must deal with an Australian agent and get everything in writing,” she advises.

Of course, savvy publishers are re-aligning their businesses in response to new market dynamics. One such publishing house is Scott’s publisher, Wiley.

Senior commissioning editor Kristen Hammond says although previously Wiley would not have considered re-publishing self-published books it now will.

She also says traditional publishers still have the jump on self-publishing because of their established distribution channels, marketing prowess and ability to manage the print production aspects of publishing.

“I think self-publishing will continue to grow. But consumer disenchantment with self-published books will too. There are so many books out there and readers and retailers still look to publishing houses and what they publish as a guide to quality books to stock, buy and read.”

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