A cut above: the making of a meat-free butcher

A cut above: the making of a meat-free butcher

Suzy Spoon opened Australia's only vegetarian butcher in September. Photo: Supplied
There can't be too many people who can say it was actor Tobey Maguire who inspired them to open a business. But the vegan actor's liking for the cooking of vegetarian chef Suzy Spoon was the catalyst for her opening a vegetarian butcher shop.

Spoon has been cooking vegetarian and vegan food for more than 20 years and was Maguire's personal chef when he was recently in Australia filming  The Great Gatsby . After Maguire said he preferred her products to other well-known brands, Spoon was inspired to start Spoon's Vegetarian Butcher, with co-founder Chris Moses, who looks after the financial and operations side of the business.

“I decided that there would be a lot of people cooking for Tobey so if he really liked my food then that meant other people would like my products as well,” the Sydney chef says.

A vegan mince pie.
“Prior to the shop I sold my products at a market in Marrickville but we stopped doing that in January to focus on the store.”

Spoon's opened in September in the inner-city suburb of Enmore. It is Australia's only vegetarian butcher and in its short history has been well-received by both walk-in customers and those ordering online.

“One customer drove down from Queensland specifically just to buy from the shop,” Spoon says. “Then they turned around and drove back the next day.”

Spoon makes her fare on-site by hand; there is no machinery used. At the moment she offers seven products, with the most popular being the Sunday Sausages and the Vienna-style Schnitzel.

“We also support other vegetarian companies in the area by offering 13 products that they make, such as jerky, desserts, sauces and condiments, and vegan cheese,” Spoon says. “We also had a customer that really wanted frankfurts but we don't make them so bought them in from another supplier – they sold out in one day.”

The challenges faced are the same that any other business faces, Spoon says. She needed to get the staffing mix right – there are two full-timers and five part-timers in addition to her and Moses.

“We also had to set prices so that they were appealing to customers but also allowed us to break even,” she says. “Ensuring we had enough refrigeration was also important. But these are all teething problems, not major issues.”

One surprise for Spoon is the amount of business that is coming from larger caterers. “While most of our business is from people that walk in off the street about 10 per cent comes from restaurants, cafes and large caterers who want to offer a more comprehensive vegetarian option,” she says.

“For example, our products were served at the Hordern Pavilion for an event. Our plan is to grow this distribution channel.”

Another growth objective is to supply products to other butchers and healthfood shops.

But Spoon says while they are discussing these plans, it is still early days and nothing has been finalised yet.

She is encouraged by the number of orders arriving from all over Australia, especially from regional areas. Orders are dispatched the same day by courier, however Spoon says unfortunately not all places are set up to receive the deliveries. This is something she hopes to rectify by setting up relationships with outlets such as health-food shops, where customers can pick up their orders.

“We send out about three to four boxes a day so it's manageable at the moment but we may need to employ someone down the track to help with the deliveries,” Spoon says.

One thing Spoon underestimated was the power of social media with regard to marketing.

“Facebook is extremely important for us,” she says. “We communicate on it every day and we find if we put a new product up on the site, then people will turn up on the same day wanting to buy it.”

She estimates that about one-quarter of all their customers have come as a result of something they've posted on Facebook.

“We cannot do without it,” she says. “We've used other forms of marketing material such as flyers but social media has been the most effective.”

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